Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV
How exactly does one transform and renew their own minds? Is this a work we can do without help? Is it just a matter of discipline or human effort? If I just strive harder, sacrifice more, and work constantly … than I will have a renewed mind? If I just read the Bible more and say prayers …then my mind will be renewed? Or is there another way?
…for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
How exactly to we allow God to ‘work in us’? What is it we must do in this equation? The answer was in verse 1 of Romans 12.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
And how do we “present our bodies as a living sacrifice”?
This is done with our surrendered ‘will’, by our choice to give ALL of us for His service. Often times it is seen though that these ‘living sacrifices’ are climbing off the table as the heat and suffering is too much for them. They don’t have the ‘power’ or strength to do it on their own.
All of this ‘work’ of presenting ourselves, and renewing of our minds is done BY and through the Holy Spirit. His prompting, His guidance, His way. The Rhema Word of God speaking to our very core… renewing our minds BY His Spirit.
Religion says, “Do these steps, pray these prayers, give us your money, stay in our club / Church / group, become a ‘member’… and you will get what you want.”
The difference between organized religion and God’s ways?
Jesus came to give us an opportunity to have intimacy with His Father. To give us access to our Heavenly Father, AND provide the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. A New Covenant.
Is your religion teaching you to access and know the Holy Spirit within you? Or have they set themselves up to be your “Holy Spirit” telling you what God wants you to do. Are they there helping you in all areas and times of your life, leading you, guiding you, helping you, 24/7?
He who created you in your mother’s womb — knows exactly how to renew your mind. He knows what you need before you need it. So who works for who? Does God work for you? Do you command Him in what you need? Do you have a better plan for your life than He does? Do you ‘manifest’ your own destiny? Or are you suppose to …surrender to Him? How much are you to surrender?
Our pride must be ‘refined’ out of us.