Inspiration. The Spark

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

John’s opening for his gospel – is one the most talked about and debated in academia. Commentators have written volumes on this first sentence. What most agree on is the vastness encompassed that the apostle John covers in just these seventeen words. Most also agree John is hinting at the VERY beginning — told in the story of Genesis. You know… when God created it all. Adam and Eve were given this incredible calling and place and actually got to walk and talk with God before… you know the story. What I want to you to explore with me is where does inspiration come from? The inspiration of creation / creating.

What exactly is that ‘spark’? What is that thing that causes those first neurons in our brains to fire with that specific electrical impulse — that is a creative idea? Did it exist before it was sparked into our brain? Where exactly do those ideas come from? What are the pathways into our brains? Is there a nexus from which these ‘things’ come from – which turn into electrical impulses in our brains? Could this ‘nexus’ be the very created order / realm and essence of the Creator Himself?

I’ve noticed that the enemy / fallen / rebellious entities (prior to humans) do not create, they twist, copy, malign, destroy, and steal. They aren’t ‘creating’ they are just twisting the ‘created’. So was part of the punishment they received was to be cut off from the nexus / essence / realm of creativity? And the earth became that new realm holding the essence of creation? Humans are by nature a ‘creative’ race. Contrary to current cultural understanding, males and females, men and women, and ONLY that connection of the two (one male and one female or man and woman) creates new humans (through sexual intercourse). Any other ‘coupling’ is sterile and does NOT produce offspring. We humans are still creating and producing in the most basic sense. Everything the enemy tries to do is to STOP that production and malign and twist that basic family structure. Two men? Nope. Two women? Nope. But the enemy wants us to go in any direction but the one God created for us. Isn’t that obvious today? The enemy is about killing the seed of humans. Especially the innocent little ones.

But what about creativity in general? What is it that brings creativity? From where does creativity spring? How does one tap into that creativity? Artists face that dilemma every time they face a new project. How do I find that ‘spark’ — that sets the fire for the new thing / project / story / piece?

Some of us would say that the ‘best’ Source to go to …would be the Creator Himself. To work with Him, and ask Him to work through you too. So you both work together in the act of creation. Kinda reminds me of the act of the creation of a child in a married couple. There is an intermingling of hearts and spirits — joining together in the act of true fellowship and love. Working on art together with the Holy Spirit is like the same type of ‘dance’. It’s hard to explain the true inspiration that comes when you allow the Holy Spirit to carry you on the ‘winds’ of God. His breath is life. His stories unveil mysteries. His heart is revealed in the art inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am reminded of the very book we know so well … the Bible. The Holy Spirit inspiring the writers to tell the greatest story of all.

What does the Creator of the Universe want to inspire you to work on with Him?

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