Inspiration Versus Ritual

Inspiration. The Divine spark. How does one tap into that resource? Conscious focus on the One who gives it. Many seek His creation to sit in it and ponder, but in reality it is just them attempting to draw near to Him without realizing it within themselves. We naturally crave Him. God IS the Creator and our Creator. Rather than just staring into the nothingness — sometimes we just need to immerse ourselves in His creation. But if that isn’t possible in our current physical space we may need our imagination to draw us into the memories of those places. What creativity needs is a fullness of His energy and spark. 

Life filled with ritual can zombify our minds. Ritual can be the means of escape to the nagging negative emotions at one’s core. We can go through the motions without really engaging our souls. Ritual just keeps us busy. Ritual just fills our lives and we easily can become a slave to it. Ritual can be used to accomplish certain tasks — but the mind is usually not engaged. Getting into a space that is ‘new’ will require change. Newness requires going beyond what you know or have experienced before. Ritual feels comfortable to us. Change feels scary to most everyone first. Where is it that we grow? In change or in ritual? Which sets new memories into our lives? Yet we are very much creatures of habit, for most of us it’s our comfort zone. 

But if we are to seek out new inspiration we have to be willing to get uncomfortable. We will have to be willing to change. We will have to push ourselves beyond what we usually do. If you’ve spent any amount of time with the Holy Spirit you know that He will ask you into those uncomfortable spaces with Him. He will challenge you to accept His invitation to places and situations that you have not gone to or experienced before. Adventure does not come to the one who won’t move. And the best adventures are the ones He asks you to join Him in. 

Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and go on an adventures with Him? What is He asking of you today? Is He asking you to experience something new? To go someplace you haven’t been before?

Surrendering to Him means lots of new adventures for you. 

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