In Between…

Assignments, projects, races, big adventures … lots of focus, time, effort, and labor have been poured in … striving for the end, the finish, the completion.

Then what? Especially after a really long, huge project, assignment, or adventure?

Sure there is relief, and a sense of accomplishment, but was the end really the goal? Maybe. But do you learn more from the finish line or the process? Obviously the process.

The finish line or completion of a project is a time for reflection and evaluation. Has anyone ever stopped and thought “I wonder how God would evaluate me on this last project?” Do you ever actually ask the Holy Spirit for His evaluation of your day, or project, or work? Have you ever asked Him what He wants? Or how you could do better on the next project, race, assignment, or adventure?

I guess I’m again dwelling on the eternal — which means the present and the future at the same time. What has God asked me to do? How much of the projects I take on … are done WITH Him? Or is He only reserved for your ‘quiet time’ or that morning routine of yours? Or when you want something from Him?

Where is that fellowship WITH Him? Is it a brief morning ritual, routine, that allows you to ‘check’ the box … “yep I’m a ‘good’ Christian”? Or do you have an ongoing dialogue with Him throughout your day.

What will our eternal life in heaven be like? Will it be just a continuation of your vital intimate ongoing relationship moment by moment with Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Or will it be a time for remedial learning … of the things you SHOULD have learned before … here on earth? What does Jesus want you to learn now? Ever asked Him? Ever wait for His answer to you? Or do you jump up and go right into the next thing on your list for the day? But… I don’t have time to listen… to wait for His reply. Or is the real reason that you don’t want to admit to yourself … is that you have difficulty actually hearing His Voice clearly?

Hmmm… why is that? What could be the issue(s)? Too scared to ask Him?

What exactly is your goal? What do you really desire? Don’t try to deceive yourself… that’s just futility and will lead you in the wrong direction. Admit what you really want. Then have the courage to ask God what He wants for you. When I deal with these issues the Holy Spirit always asks me this question….

Whose life are you living?

You see I gave my ENTIRE life to Him, and understood that from that point forward… it was to be His life, His time, His way. That my efforts would be to do as He wanted me to do. The projects, assignments, the adventures… He wanted me to do … WITH Him. Which means I have to pursue Him, ask Him, and … wait … for His instructions.

Doing life WITH Him. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week after week, month after month, year after year, … till He says “Okay … time for you to graduate to the next level.” For He really is the Author of my life and days.

Life done with Him … can really be … a challenge because often times He asks me to do something WAY beyond what I think I can do … and that actually is His plan for me. Why? Because nothing is impossible when it is done WITH Him. Those projects, assignments, and adventures ARE the lessons that stretch me, and force me to grow IN Him.

What projects scare you? Why?

Often we lie to ourselves. Stop it. Be honest with yourself AND with Him.

Ask Him about those things. Wait for His answer. Your eternal rewards may actually begin now.


For I am to the best of my ability… heart, soul, and body … terminally committed to Christ.

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