I will not comply.

The fear mongers are on the war path again. And again they will trot out their fear ‘mandates’. It has begun again with …”Wear a mask.” The first time we went through this Dr Fauci at the very beginning said that masks won’t work — which was correct in the type of viral out break we were seeing. Then he did a complete 180 (against the actual science) to comply with the fear tactics the Government wanted to employ on the citizenry. He even then went on to say to wear 2 and 3 masks as things progressed. That is actual lunacy NOT science. There has NEVER been a real scientific paper (peer reviewed / blind study) that has found that masks (other than level ‘A’ hazmat suits) can stop a virus from infecting others. The example that I’ve heard that kind of explains this to the common person is the idea of standing behind a chain link fence to keep yourself dry from the person spraying a water hose at the fence. The virus is SO much smaller than the N95 mask. Then if there isn’t complete air tightness around the mask — it will make the mask worthless. The virus can enter the eyes and even the skin. From my time of training with Hazmat conditions I can tell you that the ONLY thing that will protect you from a virus is a level ‘A’ hazmat suit. The suit completely covers the entire body and is airtight and the person has their own air supply (like a scuba diver).

In fact ..masks will lower your immune system making you even more susceptible to catching and contracting other detrimental health issues. Bacterial pneumonia is one. Mask are extremely dirty even after just a few minutes of wearing them. Your breathing of your own CO2 and other bacteria can cause you all sorts of problems with brain fog, and physical issues. Masks should NEVER be put onto children unless they are in a heavy particulate atmosphere (smoke or dust) — and are being rushed out of it. That they were trying to put masks on very small children was …. just evil. DON’T wear a mask to stop a virus — it just won’t work and it will cause you greater harm.

But safety really isn’t their agenda … fear and death is. Also there is a ‘compliance’ issue they want to employ that will mark easily the ones who are ‘compliant’ to whatever they say. That is basically taking away that person’s God-given rights .. to their free will. What they really want is ..death. Why did they incentivize the hospitals for those who died of COVID?  I will not allow them to stick any kind of experimental drug in me! The jab was experimental and they SO lied about everything concerning that jab. (they NEVER allowed anyone to really know what was in it — which is against ALL the laws) They said … take just one, then it was get the second, then the third and so on. Yet it still didn’t stop the person from spreading the virus. In fact, that jab caused many of those who received it to ‘shed’ it to those they came around. They lied about every aspect of that jab. It really never was FDA approved. It didn’t have extensive safety trials. In fact, the trials they did do showed it to be very dangerous, especially to pregnant women, but those facts were kept secret. The pathology coming out now is very much being censored of those who have died. Why would they want everyone to know that most who have died because of the experimental drug which caused cardiac and other health issues? Have you seen the amount of young healthy athletes falling over dead within the last year? Then the social shaming and censoring began by the government and MSM. Everywhere everyone was encouraged to ‘shame’ the non-mask wearers or the ‘un-jabbed’. The ‘yellow stars’ had to be put on those ‘infested’ terrible people.

People WAKE UP! Listen to the small clear Voice of the Holy Spirit in your mind! If you can’t hear Him – LEARN HOW!

“…..for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

STAND UP! SPEAK THE TRUTH! Be bold and courageous! DO NOT FEAR!

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