Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:
“Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
Dress for action like a man;
I will question you, and you make it known to me.
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding. Job 38:1-4
Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. Proverbs 17:28
How much do you know? Do you pride yourself on always having the latest up-to-date knowledge and right perspective? Right now technology is advancing at a rate that most don’t understand. Quantum physics and quantum computing technology is rapidly the next level soon connecting all of humankind. Quantum entanglement will become the next connection. Utilizing quantum entanglement with a Mars base would mean instantaneous communication, with zero lag time. Now combine AI with quantum computing and it becomes next level scary the kind of control that would be possible. Does anyone ever stop to ask the question if they should just ‘do it’? Or is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed? Has the Holy Spirit ever told you NOT to do something? We as a species seem to be like the two-year-old that knows everything and will blaze full bore into great danger.
“Hey these entities promise us the secrets of the universe, let’s learn from them!” Anyone seeking power over others is very susceptible to entities wanting to give them advice. Unfortunately, there ARE entities that are NOT on God’s side that are always looking to tempt Humankind to stray from the path the Father has for us. This has been happening since the Garden of Eden. We are blindly opening ‘gates and portholes’ into realms we really don’t understand… just because we can now. Sadly, the American Church institutional system stays in third grade and won’t really advance beyond that primary stage. And because of the vacuum new religions continue to raise their heads in all sorts of ways. Being “woke”. DEI. Pronouns. People can get real religious real fast in all sorts of new categories. Even many “Christians” sitting in those big Church services can be utilizing all sorts of other religions without knowing it and not really caring. Without the Holy Spirit, formulas are the way.
Has the Holy Spirit ever checked you? Like … you do a full stop … because of what He just told you? Or are just wheeling along on whatever you have planned to do never asking Him anything? Who’s in control? You? Whose life are you living? Is it really His? Did you really die to self in that water baptism? Or did you just get wet? How much of your day is actually directed by Him?
Be honest with yourself.
Be honest with God.
Is He really at the center of your life? Is your first knee-jerk reaction a thought of Him in every circumstance?
How much do you really converse with the Holy Spirit? Or is He just an ‘unknown’ to you?
1 thought on “Human Arrogance.”
All true and in need of consideration.
Brutal honesty and self evaluation doesn’t generally exist any more with the notion that all we need to do is say the sinners prayer.
A little confrontational but needed. People don’t ask enough questions.