His life in us

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:1-4

So you have the life of Christ within you? The issue then isn’t death because we have eternal life promised. So what then is the issue now that we have His life within us? Let’s just work this out. Do you think there is something that He needs to change in His life in us? Or might it be us who needs to allow His life to transform us; not us getting more of Him but allowing Him to get more of us. Do you think those are the same thing? No. It can’t be us in pursuit of Him because He is already in us, but  rather us in more surrender to Him. Allowing Him to transform us into His life.

Another issue is that we are still here where death and evil still go on, although Calvary still remains in full victory. So being left here on earth we must come to prove the values of His life which has been deposited in us and discover all of His life’s potentialities in our daily walk with Him. This is our own individual time of discovery with Him. How to walk all of this out, is a process He wants to take us through with Him. This process will be a ongoing repeating cycle of surrender, to deeper and deeper levels of yourself to His life in you. 

Just when we think we’ve got something finished and in the past, He brings us to a place in us to show us another deeper portion within us that we have to deal with, that needs His healing and life to permeate at another deeper level. Oy. So many times I think I’ve gotten over and through with something and the Holy Spirit shows me there is more that I need to surrender in that very area. He is patient BEYOND comprehension with us. Only HE knows the depths of our soul and being. The Master Surgeon is asking permission to do more surgery on me. And I have a choice to get on His surgeon’s table or not. Will I surrender again?

How are you allowing His life in you today? Is He the pilot of your day or are you still in the driver’s seat of your life?

Come Lord Jesus! Take the driver’s seat of my life today! 

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