Heavenly Standard

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:25-26

Direct Greek translation: Ei zōmen Pneumati, Pneumati kai stoichōmen. mē ginōmetha kenodoxoi allēlous prokaloumenoi allēlois phthonountes. = If we live by Spirit, by Spirit also we should walk. Not we should become boastful, one another provoking, one another envying. 

prokaloumenoi = provoke – to call forth, challenge (in an irritating manner, contesting, arguing) 

The fruit of the Spirit in vs 22-23 is the very character of the Holy Spirit which He wants to plant and grow in each one of us who desire to be like our (friend) Lord Jesus. This ‘fruit’ needs to be ‘walked out’ in daily discipline, in everyday tasks and living. Always aware we are in ‘learning’ mode and not with an attitude of attainment (prideful / boastful / conceited). With a ‘gentle’ manner of love and true concern should we interact with those around us being grateful for all He has given us, and not filled with envy for the blessings others have. These charges to us — are much higher than our current atmosphere and culture in which we live — as we who are His ambassadors are called to be thermostats and not thermometers to our surrounding environment. 

How can we attain such a heavenly ‘standard’? Within ourselves it is impossible. But with God…

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

The Holy Spirit has been given to us to lead us, and teach us how He can meet that ‘heavenly standard’ through us. It is His work in us, not of ourselves but through and in Him. This means a level of koinonia / fellowship with the Holy Spirit inside of you that is intimate and constant. So that… We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:5) as we navigate every step of our day.

When we allow Him to guide us and show us … we begin to ‘see’ through His eyes, and encounter with His heart. His thoughts are brought to our minds …. and are far beyond our ‘nature’ and thinking. His Presence changes us and pushes us into a further deeper fellowship with Him, creating an even a greater ‘need’ within us for Him.

So many mysteries. He is beyond… yet desires us to walk with Him, to know Him, to rest with Him. True rest can only be experienced IN Him. Is your soul weary, and burdened with the pressures that surround you? Peace and rest can be found … in Him, through His Spirit. 

..making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth. Ephesians 1:9-10

 Our unity of the Body of Christ can ONLY be achieved through being ‘one’ IN Jesus Christ, BY the Holy Spirit. This is NOT a mental assent, or an intellectually achieved understanding, but it is a submission to and recognition of the very living and indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit within us. Knowing and recognizing the very intimate whisper of the Holy Spirit within our mind and souls. It is NOT blind obedience to any human authority — it is the very Essence of the authority of Heaven which the Holy Spirit confirms. This comes to us by ‘Rhema’ revelation to our very core / heart, spoken to us by Him.

Can you hear Him? Are you actively seeking Him? 

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