Heart questions

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Psalms 139:13

When you look up this verse in the Hebrew for the words ‘inward parts’, it has several meanings, first it means the ‘kidneys’ (the organ) or figuratively the seat of the emotions and affections which is essentially the soul. I tend to think the ‘writer’ intentioned the soul, just as God first formed the body of Adam from the dust of the ground and then breathed into him the ‘breath of life’ (soul snd spirit). Genesis 2:7 God IS the creator of life, and by as His intentions we are created to be co-creators with Him — and can have a ‘part’ in the process of bringing forth life. But for each human being He ‘knits’ together the body, in the womb of the mother, and enjoins each soul with the body by His ‘breath’ (נָפַח / naphach = to breathe, blow). How intricate is that mysterious process? Currently it is beyond our knowledge, but to anyone who has eagerly awaited the birth of a desired child — they ‘know’ it takes a ‘miracle’ by God’s Hands AND breath. To those who find themselves pregnant and didn’t expect a child — it can be quite the shock. But God doesn’t make mistakes even though we can’t comprehend His purposes most of the time. He STILL is the Creator. And ‘life’ is His work. We are always to choose life. 

Last night I sat and pointed my heart and mind to God and the questions began to come. 

How many souls have we killed in the womb sent by God? 

How many souls were sent by God to be answers to suffering, and bring joy and creativity? 

How many souls were sent to redeem the poor and unwanted, all the while being the unwanted themselves?

How many souls were sent to bring life to others and a sense of purpose and fulfillment? 

How many souls were sent as answers to someone’s prayers even if they weren’t the woman’s who was to carry the child?

How many souls Lord did we kill because we were selfish and missed the blessing you sent?

Forgive us OH LORD!!! Oh how you sent us souls to bring love, and give love, and be loved by You and others… but they were rejected by us and tossed into the garbage. 

How many souls were sent by your love .. to heal the wounds of violence and shame but never had a chance to even start their mission from You?

Oh Lord! My heart breaks for these souls so quickly returned to you because of our hard hearts and wickedness. We are condemned by our callousness and evil.

You want us SO much to choose life instead of death… yet SO many choose death. 

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Choose Jesus, choose life. 

Who is behind all this evil and death? 

Jesus give us a hint in these words. 

 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Who are you listening to? Do you want what Jesus wants? 

How can we determine the purpose of each soul sent by God and so easily cast them away?

If you can… go and listen to Rachel Holt sing the new song “I was gonna be”. We need more messages / songs like that. 

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