God’s Work God’s Way

The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. John 6:63 NLT

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

These are the steps He will teach you of how to be in the ‘yoke with Him’. 

  1. To know / apprehend / understand the conception of the purpose of God.
  2. He will ask you to commit yourself to God’s purpose.
  3. He will teach you how to know God enough to know HOW He will realize His purpose.
  4. Then knowing HOW God will move through His means / ways, …then He will ask you to walk WITH Him via the Holy Spirit in obedience. 

Many are not willing to wait for God’s ways for His purpose to be accomplished. So they launch out in their own ways to accomplish God’s purpose. But the way they are trying to accomplish the tasks does not have God’s support. They may be in a true direction, but being out of fellowship with the method or means they are compelled to take responsibility for the work themselves and to find the resources. This always leads to exhaustion and disappointment with the work being brought to a standstill, which usually causes another round of frenetic activity and methods to raise the resources to carry on “God’s work”, because  they are not in the real enjoyment of His Own support. The ‘work of God’ becomes a burden on THEIR shoulders, and the Lord cannot order it otherwise because there is NOT the fullest fellowship and intimacy between them in His ways, His methods, His means, His time, and the details of His purpose.

Looking at how Jesus did it shows us the example.

1. Lots of secret fellowship with the Father. Jesus was constantly going off alone to pray. 

2. Having that intimacy with the Father gave Him the understanding of the Father’s comprehensive purpose. 

3. Jesus then only needed to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading knowing that the Father willed it. 

4. Jesus then walked in the power of the Holy Spirit via obedience.

If you study the miracles of Jesus you will see the creativity in the ways the miracles were done. The ‘way’ seemed to be beyond ‘formula’. Jesus seemed extremely unpredictable in the way He went about things. The ways of the Holy Spirit are beyond human ways. His ways are not our ways, as His power is far beyond our feeble attempts. It is best we go WITH Him.

I’m not sure who said it first …but this statement still rings true to me…

God’s work, done in God’s time and way, will never lack God’s support. 

IF you know the originator of this statement please let me know in the comments.

Are you walking in front of Him telling Him what you want? Or are you walking with Him waiting for His directions?

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