Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 10:24
This foundational principle must be understood and held in mind that any work for God, BEFORE it fulfills it’s purpose, must DIE, otherwise it lives alone. Outside of the Bible, the conception of progressing from seed is to it’s full growth; in the scriptures the understanding is of a seed corrupting itself (dying) into what it never was.
Watch the history of any real well intentioned spiritual work, and you will find it begins magnificently and then fizzles out, and if you’re not in on the secret, you will say, “What a discouraging business!” The enemy then would have the ones who started it conserve it into a little crystallized compartment and the enemy wants to make us worship it, BUT God will send His forces and disintegrates it into the same kind of failure that the life of HIs Son was, AND THEN He brings out in fruit something no man ever dreamt about. The true walk with Christ is always a losing proposition in the eyes of the world; it is always dying and bringing forth fruit what it never was.
This kind of work requires the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be engaged within anyone who attempts to ‘work’ and be creative for God. Faithfulness, patience, goodness, gentleness, and lot of self control are required as we attempt to walk out the path He has put us on. Perseverance, wisdom and understanding help stave off the seemingly crushing failures and help us continue in discipline towards our Holy Spirit inspired goals. Paradoxes are very common on the path seldom walked. The narrow path isn’t easy. Human egos and pride are massive barriers to the work God wants to accomplish in and through us.
To go further up and further into the Lord’s Kingdom, to use CS Lewis’ phrase, requires first obedience, then humility, then proper gratefulness, and a soft heart towards our Lord Jesus, and ears to quickly hear the correction from the Holy Spirit which requires immediate repentance. All of these things are in direct opposition to the current earthly atmosphere and culture that our ‘flesh’ currently sits in. Spiritual growth isn’t a physical exercise (so it isn’t simply an academic one), but one of the heart (Soul, Mind, and Will) and intimacy in relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Are you making your spiritual growth a priority in your life?
Are you having regular conversations with the Holy Spirit about your spiritual growth desires?
Unfortunately the institutional Church has only ‘taught’ or implied that prayer is a one-way street. When in-fact in scripture it is implied to be a ‘conversation’ with God. Can you hear His responses to your questions to Him?
But to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear. Deuteronomy 29:4
Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see, but see not, who have ears to hear, but hear not, for they are a rebellious house. Ezekiel 12:2
Don’t be like that, be humble enough to ask Him to help you. Ask Him to help you understand what He is saying to you … personally.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15 Jesus speaking.