Genuine versus Counterfeit

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:1-5

The passage is often quickly passed over because it is portion that the Holy Spirit can use to convict an individual in many areas of their lives. Like .. what exactly are ‘deceitful spirits’ and what are the ‘teaching of demons’? What about the whole area of ‘free sex’, pornography, and the entire area of what are ‘politically correct’ foods we are supposed to be eating or not eating? (meat?) How can one tell when a ‘deceitful spirit’ is influencing you? How does one discern what really are teaching or doctrines of demons? What certain things have been adopted into the religious liturgy (the way your Sunday service is conducted, and what is allowed) which actually come from pagan and demonic sources? What are the rationalizations that are held as ‘okay’ behaviors within your ‘church’ / denomination or church leadership? (Ex. The Pope has reversed the Church’s stance on homosexual partner ‘blessings’, which will now be allowed.) Culture has now more influence than scripture on so many areas in our lives. How will we know what to do, and what exactly does God want us to do?

So what is the answer to all of these issues? 

A life lived by the direction and guidance of the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will give discernment in ALL things if we allow Him. But that will mean the individual will have to be willing to be sensitive to His conviction in those areas that are uncomfortable to deal within our souls on an ongoing basis. You really won’t have His ‘blessing’ and guidance if you are not willing to deal with the last thing He asked you to do. We will ALWAYS be uncomfortable with His ‘conviction’ which will require our confession and repentance (which is literally going in the opposite direction – via our actions). We have to admit our sin when He drags it out of our hidden closet into His Light. There it is ..staring in our face in full transparency and light. Now we have a choice, do we admit it, or do we try to deny it, or try to cast the blame on someone or something else? Are we willing to be vulnerable with the Holy Spirit and admit our flaws and sins? 

The more you acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s conviction in your life and actually deal with the issue He has just exposed and confess / repent, and possibly confess it to a trusted faithful loving friend — the closer you will become to knowing and discerning what is Godly and what is not.  Knowing the genuine with greater familiarity and intimacy will always give you an advantage to see the counterfeit quicker.

Working with the Holy Spirit daily in His gardening skills within your character and soul as He works on growing His fruit within you, is the path to understanding with clarity what the enemy is attempting to ensnare you with, or which lie your enemy are trying to get you to believe. This will often mean daily conviction on the ‘little things’ by the Holy Spirit which He wants you to change in your behaviors. How do I know? By personal ongoing experience with Him… daily.

But when this daily conviction process is allowed in your life (you choose it) — the revelation, understanding, inspiration, discernment, and wisdom from the Holy Spirit flows with such a greater ease. Your scripture reading comes ‘alive’ with understanding. Your prayer life bounces with vibrancy and power. The fruit of the Spirit is displayed in all sorts of exciting ways in your life. The people around you will begin to experience the ‘glow’ of His glory surrounding you. But because of His close and almost constant conviction which you accept — real humility is the result.

But this kind of intimacy with the Holy Spirit isn’t easy. We ALL have a great need to be changed and cleansed by Him. Which will mean lots of uncomfortable and agonizing soul work. Of course He will always do it with the utmost love and care, for that is His nature (just look at His fruit). He is not about guilt and shame … those are the enemies tools, but the Holy Spirit is about bringing … holiness and light and agape love into our lives, by the renewing of our minds, and hearts.

What is the last thing the Holy Spirit asked you to do? 

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