Fidelity vs Lying

There are six things that the Lord hates,

    seven that are an abomination to Him: 

haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

    and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans,

    feet that make haste to run to evil,

a false witness who breathes out lies,

    and one who sows discord among brothers. Proverbs 6:16-19


*The quality or state of being faithful to obligations, duties, or observances.

*The condition or behavior of engaging in sex only with one’s spouse.

*Adherence to truth; veracity; honesty.

*Accuracy in details : exactness.

*The degree to which an electronic device (such as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (such as sound or picture).


*The deliberate act of deviating from the truth.

In this crazy time the enemies of God are hard at work changing the definitions of words as much as possible. Yet the Truth is UNCHANGING! The enemies of God have also worked hard at changing the very definition of Truth by watering it down with “you have your truth, and I have my truth”, which of course is also a lie — there is only One Truth and His name is Jesus Christ. 

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

It seems that almost all of our country now is embroiled and covered in lies. Our media spews out way more lies than truth. They now try to set up ‘disinformation lies’ to battle those disagreeing with them. Finding and discerning the truth of things has become a rare trait and can now only come from the Truth Himself. I believe only those who literally have the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit within them are now able to rightly discern the Truth. Only the Holy Spirit can enlighten a person to the Truth of Jesus Christ. So … without the Holy Spirit .. the truth is missed, maligned, and twisted into non-truth. This means we actually have to listen to Him to understand the Truth of things. Can you hear Him clearly?

We can know the character of an individual by their actions and proof of their fidelity. Can we trust someone? Are they a person of fidelity? What does that say about those who we choose to lead us? Do we place people into leadership who we know constantly lie to us? Why? Do we hate the Truth? Why and when did fidelity and truth become lessor in our standards of leadership? What caused us to abandon the Biblical standards for leadership? Why do we embrace lying?

The world is in a tremendous slide into oblivion at this time, as lies have become the main course for leadership to give to the people. Lying is now the norm, and the truth is rare. This trend has also infiltrated the institutional religious Church systems. With its centralized worldly business model of authority and leadership, the practice of lying by omission is widely adopted as standard procedure. When is the last time the ‘congregation’ has had complete transparency of the financial dealings of the organization, or the fidelity of its leaders? The centralized institutional system of “Church” has covered itself in secrecy, just like our government. 

Where does God’s judgment come first? To the Body of Christ (Church / Ekklesia). We will see the dismantling of the system of the institutional Church – and out of that collapse only the remnant (overcomers) will survive and remain. The corrupt leadership in countries globally will face the same consequences. Till all the world will groan in despair and the ‘one’ will step onto the world’s stage and tell everyone that he has the solution. And the majority of the world will bow at his ‘genius’ and power. And the new global religion will step onto the stage. 

Those that ‘listen’ to the lessons from the Holy Spirit know these things.

It seems everyday I see new pieces of the puzzle being revealed, and the tension rising globally towards a WW3 type of event. In every place the separation of people and ideologies grow defining two sides diametrically opposed to one another. This effort is lead by non-humans who have been at war with God since prior to the creation of Mankind. The Bible is clear as to whom God’s enemies are. The enemies of God are utilizing everything they can to strike at the heart of God before their ‘time’ of judgment. This means first deceiving and destroying as many humans as possible, especially the innocent (children). You can know those who have been deceived by the enemies of God by those that agree with the murder of the most innocent. Those who hold ‘life’ cheaply. They give into the enemy’s lies easily and agree.

Paul laid out the real warfare from the revelation by the Holy Spirit almost 2,000 years ago with…

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

What lies have you believed? Have you repented of those lies? Have you given into the coercion from the tyrannical? Who exactly is your King? To Whom are you loyal and faithful? Does your fidelity prove it? Do you go to the Holy Spirit to discern the Truth of things? Do you listen to Him? Do you obey Him? Ask Him before allowing things being injected into your body. 

Seek the Truth with all you have within you – for in Him is life everlasting. 

1 thought on “Fidelity vs Lying”

  1. I do find it interesting that people like ourselves are writing, posting and making videos more and more on the subject of lies.
    It must be because it is so pervasive today, which of course is a fulfillment of project
    I had forgotten about the word fidelity and it overall meaning. Thanks for reminding me. Love learning

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