Eyes on the Lord Jesus

Lift your eyes to the brightness of Heaven. For the Throne of Jesus shines throughout the entire universe. Truth and Justice are in His hands. His judgment is righteous, His salvation is eternal.
The earth will pass away like a used garment, cast into a fire. Blessed are those who fear the Lord who seek Him out daily for His instructions by His Holy Spirit. For they are led onto the lighted narrow path. Wide is the way of destruction and easily walked on. Many call you to follow them where the end is the pit.
Oh Lord my fear is my shame of disobedience, strengthen me with your Holy Spirit, keep me on your path. Forgive me of my dismissive ears to your still small Voice of instruction. I repent, and turn away. I seek you with ALL my being, spirit soul and body. You Lord are my life, and heart.
Loving Father – You are Eternal – the I Am. We praise Your Holy Name! We worship You! We lift You Up above all. Holy, Holy, Holy, — are You Lord.
Father You have provided The Way. Jesus / Yeshua we love You! Your obedience is our example. Your Holy Spirit is our guide!
You lead us into rest and beauty, into your glorious Kingdom of light and love, where death had been conquered, and fear and pain has been vanquished. To dwell with You in eternity, and learn of you to everlasting depths. For Your love knows no bounds, nor can any understand it’s completeness. For our joy is to explore You. Your Love is perfect and matchless.
Shout from the depths of your soul oh beloved- for the Lord is coming! The bridegroom cometh! Blazing in glory! Redemption draws near. For the Day of the Lord cannot be stopped, His time is right.

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