Divine Attributes

Omnipotent. Omniscient. Omnipresent. Big words that just mean, all powerful, all knowing, and always present everywhere. These are some of God’s abilities. Why do I say some? I will not presume to know the complete attributes of God. It is we the ‘created’ and finite that have limits are are constrained to certain perimeters and dimensions in our current state. God is also ‘outside’ of the created universe(s). He exists beyond what is known.

The Holy Spirit is constantly trying to help us see that God is with us, at all times, everywhere, every second of the day. He created us to be loved by Him and to fellowship with Him. Even though He ‘knows’ everything, for some reason He wants to know what we think, and feel. That to me makes me think of …love. 

When we begin to know and understand that He is always with us, we begin to let go of our worry and anxiety for we know and understand that He is there alongside us. And like good parents we want our children to grow up and mature and become all that they can be. God wants that for us as well. Sometimes it might feel that He has left us, or that He is unjust, or even mean at times towards us, but He has not left us, and is just, and is always loving. We must learn to trust Him at ever increasing amounts. We can be assured that He has got us … forever. When He first let’s go of our hands when we begin to walk spiritually it can feel very frightening, but He is there watching and encouraging us all the way, like a parent does with a baby who is first beginning to walk. We will have this type of encounter throughout our entire spiritual life at ever increasing levels, because He wants us to grow and learn. Learning to trust Him more and more.

This makes me think of prayer. Prayer isn’t so much just ‘asking for stuff’ but actually a ‘state of mind’ and attitude knowing you are in fellowship with Him. You actually have the ability to be in conversation with the Creator, YOUR Creator, throughout your entire day. This is why two-way conversational prayer with the Holy Spirit is so vital to our lives, and is a necessary component for our spiritual growth.

As things and times get more tough, our spiritual maturity will be tested and challenged at greater frequency and depth. Our enemy, AND God’s enemy is still in rebellion and wants to steal from us, destroy us, and ultimately kill us. Our enemy is seeking our demise. Although Jesus has made the enemy impotent to anyone who abides with Him, he continues to lie to us and set snares and traps for us. Our enemy does NOT want us to fulfill our created purposes that God has in His heart for us. This is the reason we must be walking closely with the Holy Spirit through each day. Listening to Him, and quickly obeying His instructions to us. Staying on the path towards the goal He has for us.

Read the end of Solomon’s prayer as he dedicated to the first temple to God. 1 Kings 8:56-61. Then read John 17 the prayer of Jesus to His Father about us. Then meditate on how much He loves us and wants for us.

God is not short on time. He is the LORD of time. 

Trust Him.

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