All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God’s order. Surely you know that Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is not part of his program. No one who lives deeply in Christ makes a practice of sin. None of those who do practice sin have taken a good look at Christ. They’ve got him all backward. 1 John 3:4-6 MSG
Disruption. This happens with great frequency in our modern lives today. Texts, calls, emails, and the constant ‘alert’, beep, ding, notification, and our ‘felt’ need to deal with each one as quickly as possible. This patterning in our lives has become VERY dangerous. The anxiety, stress, and ‘addiction’ to the little black mirror in our hands have taken over our lives in too many ways. The same way family members feel when the internet goes down wherever you are. We are so used to being connected, and ‘plugged in’ 24/7 now. Our patience levels drop to negative points because someone won’t respond to us immediately. Those devices have become WAY too important in our lives now. SMH. (I admit I’m in the same boat here)
Just as the technical disruption is frustrating in our lives — so our secret ‘sins’ and disregard for the Voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives disrupts our ‘eternal connection’ with Him. But that spiritual disruption isn’t usually as quickly noticed by us anymore. Stress and pressure and disruptions will lead the the enemy launching their temptations right into our weak spots – waiting to watch our next move. They wait and watch what to deploy next at us — seeing which way we’ll turn once the first salvo is launched and hit.
The morning routine of meeting with the General and King becomes much more important when disruption and confusion hits. How do we deal with it when major disruption hits? We immediately get to deploy what we’ve supposedly learned … did we react or respond in the fruit of the Spirit? What’s our level of patience? What’s our level of kindness with those around us when the stress level in us is at a 12 out of 10? Can we hear His Voice at times like that? (just know I’m writing knowing I need this devotional right now as well).
Humble confession needs to be at the ready now at any moment as we are hit with bigger and bigger disruption. Confessing to the Lord and repenting quickly, and as well humbly sharing with our loved ones and friends that our stress level is very high the moment. Can we learn how to deploy the fruit at the time it is needed? When the disruptions are over the top can we still maintain our ‘peace’?
All these questions ‘call me out’ as well. This devotional makes me understand how far I still have to go in my own life. Do we automatically go into prayer when faced with large unexpected disruptions to our carefully placed and thought out plans for our day? Or do we just want to throw an emotional tantrum? The Holy Spirit will always show you the Truth about yourself if you ask Him, and it can be quite revealing and difficult to accept. This is where our humility needs to be present.
Lord help us … and embrace us during those times…