
This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been made—in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:27-29

What is ‘acceptable worship? Exactly what is real reverence and awe? What is the ‘unshakable Kingdom’? How is that ‘unshakable Kingdom’ represented in the here and now? What does it mean that God is a ‘consuming fire’? When you read scripture do you even think about what you are reading? Do you ask yourself questions? Do you ask the Holy Spirit those questions? Or has reading the Bible just become an empty ritual to you?

Just in these three verses is a huge opportunity for exploration, and lessons. Do you ever give yourself any time to explore His Word(s)? Have you ever just stopped and pondered the spiritual implications of what you just read in the scriptures? Do you ever go to the original languages to try to understand the writer and how it was originally written? Utilize biblehub.com. It’s free.

What do you think is the percentage of those who go to “a” Church actually do this type of study? Are most Church goers just going to their Sunday “club”? Have a latte before ‘service’, go out for lunch, tip terribly the server and go home and sit in front of the TV. Yep – that describes way too many of the church goers today.

I suggest you don’t be a ‘church goer’ but to actually BE the Church. Actually engage with other members the Body of Christ on more than just ‘small talk’ with your Sunday ‘mask’ on. But how many church services actually allow for any engagement? Or encourage any REAL engagement during the service besides singing along, praying along, giving money along, reading along, and standing up and sitting at the appropriate times? You know.. REAL engagement where you actually get to ask questions of each other and share what the Holy Spirit is giving you. Where are you doing that?

How exactly should the ekklesia operate? What should those meetings look like? If you read through the book of Acts you will see a lot of ‘house to house’ meetings. One of the main issues for those coming out of Judaism was their traditional synagogue practices and daily lives of just following the rules to a life actually being led by the Holy Spirit outside of those rituals and previous traditions. It was coming out of life of just doing ‘the rules’ / commandments to actually seeing the purposes of God in .. everything around them as the Holy Spirit flowed through them. We too need to stay REAL, and not “play” our Christianity.

Find out what it really means to be in ‘awe’ of God. Find out what real reverence is. Do the work. Do some digging. Ask lots of questions. Find the treasures of God for yourselves. Listen closely to how the Holy Spirit wants you to engage with the Body of Christ. 

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