Clogged pipes

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Are your spiritual pipes clogged? There is an ongoing daily work by our enemy to clog up our lives with self love and love of this world, and it takes real determination to keep your spiritual plumbing clean and to re-dig that well of purity of devotion to Christ. This is where that close life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit is so important for the dedicated committed disciple of Christ. The Holy Spirit will be the One who gently and persistently speaks to your soul of the clogging happening within your heart and soul. If you ask Him, He will speak directly and specifically to the items in your life that need dealing with. Repentance here is usually the pipe cleaner needed for those specific acts or words. 

It seems so easy to allow unworthy considerations to stick to the walls of our pipes and restrict the flow of brotherly love causing resentment and hurt feelings to build up. We have to work at positive active cultivation of fellowship with one another. This is where you will find the Holy Spirit asking you to engage with another brother or sister and give you an assignment of encouragement to bring to them. This request by Him is beneficial not only to the receiver but also the giver. Acting in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit keeps our pipes clean in regards to those around us in fellowship.  

Have you ever wondered why the flow springing up from your ‘inner well’ has been so slight if not completely shut off? Clogged pipes. It could be the individual is sitting back in the wrong kind of modesty failing to bring their own contribution by the Spirit to the fellowship life and ministry. Not acting on the prompts from the Holy Spirit can also restrict the flow. There have been many times when I’ve asked Him why He hasn’t given me any forward instructions. So many times the response to me was a question. “What’s the last thing I asked you to do?” The Holy Spirit has patience to wait for you — to eventually come back to Him and obey the last thing He told you to do. 

Another clogging agent can be unkindness. Allowing our own bad moods spill out and over onto others will block His flow in your life. Also our excuses of shyness can be a rock in the pipe restricting the flow when He is asking you to engage with Him and others. We must be diligent to be ever listening to that ‘still small Voice’ of the Holy Spirit if we want heaven’s provisions and flow in our lives.

Have you experienced this kind of blockage? Have your asked Him what you need to to to clear your ‘pipes’? Be genuinely humble and ask Him to show you what might be stopping His flow in you right now. Then of course there’s still the issue of follow through with the things He tells you. Obedience to Him brings life and His flow. 

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:38

2 thoughts on “Clogged pipes”

    1. Remember brother Jacob His yoke is easy and the burden is light (Matt 11:30). All we have to do is surrender to the Master Plumber and ask Him to unclog us. It isn’t about striving, because if it was then it wouldn’t be easy or ‘light’. When I finally kneel and surrender to Him – then the ‘key’ is handed to me. He ALWAYS is the ANSWER.

      People need to know I write these posts out of my own struggles, mostly from my immediate situations. I’m not trying to ‘preach’, I’m trying to illumine others about the issues I’m dealing with and the instructions I’m receiving. If it helps, great!! If not — keep walking by the Spirit!

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