Choose life. Choose the Holy Spirit.

See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. … But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, I declare to you today, that you shall surely perish. You shall not live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, Deuteronomy 30:15,17-19

Are we choosing to listen to God and choosing life… today? Or have we chosen selfish, lustful, and sinful ways and then celebrate …death? Abortion is murder. God is the Creator of life. And the heart of God LOVES children. SO obviously the enemies of God attack, torture, and kill the most innocent of lives. Whose side are you agreeing with? Child trafficking now is by far the largest in numbers in the history of the world. Those that side with the enemies of God celebrate the killing of the most innocent. Those that oppose the killing of the innocent are now targeted by our government for arrest. There are many examples of this targeting in the last three years, of praying grandmas and dedicated fathers and mothers who pray in front of the killing centers, advocating for life. Those “Christians” that side with the murder of children (abortion) don’t like these facts being pointed out. The enemies of God have infiltrated the Church and have brainwashed the ignorant and naive. In fact, many of the ignorant have allowed wolves into the leadership of the sheep. Why and how is this happening!?!

When you remove the Holy Spirit from the Body of Christ, and insert religious traditions, practices, and formulas, rather than training them to listen to the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit within them — evil doctrines, and lies become much more easily accepted. When you set up a ‘leadership’ in the old covenant ways — that the priest, pastor, leader, becomes the ‘voice of God’ for the sheep, you separate the Holy Spirit’s role from the people, and implicate that only ordained and academically trained spiritual leaders can rightly discern what is ‘right’ and what God wants — you have essentially separated the Holy Spirit from the people.  The ‘role’ of spiritual leadership is equipping the people for ministry, not ‘lording’ over them like a CEO, or as the pinnacle of spirituality. In fact, spiritual leaders are to be ‘sheep’ alongside all the other sheep looking to the One Shepherd (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit for direction and protection. Lately there have been several examples of highly visible ministry leaders having their sexual sins being exposed. I blame the ‘religious system’. The Church adopted the world’s model of governance and leadership over 1700 years ago, and the ‘real’ ekklesia has been ‘underground’ ever since. Every now and again the ekklesia rises by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and becomes publicly exposed and reformation sweeps the land, but the movement is quickly attacked, targeted, and snuffed out by the ‘religious order’ as fast as they can. When the Holy Spirit breathes revival and reformation into the people — the first enemies to attack the movement are the well entrenched professional religious order. Don’t believe me? Just read your history. Jesus IS our example. Just read His story. Who was most vehemently against Jesus?

This isn’t a new strategy. Read Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the other prophets and you will see the ‘wolves’ that prey upon the ‘flock of God’ and that disguise themselves as ‘shepherds’. This is STILL going on today. These are people that WANT leadership for their own prideful control purposes and financial gain. This is CERTAINLY happening within the Church today. Why? The Holy Spirit has been removed from all decision making. We’ve made ‘prayer’ a one-way proposition. Our one-way prayers supposedly justify our desires to do what we want. So we can ‘say’ we prayed about the decision which should then justify what we chose to do. Is there any among us who actually can ‘hear’ His Voice? How many times has the Holy Spirit stopped you from doing what you want to do? Can you hear Him well enough that He can ‘check’ you in the moment, and ask you to do the uncomfortable thing that you don’t want to do? There is a famine in this land (America) for the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit. Especially within the “leaders” of the institutional Church system which works hard at compromising the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

How does your ‘pastor’ speak about the Holy Spirit? Is it with ‘warnings’ and exceptions? They say that you have to be ‘careful’, like the Holy Spirit is dangerous for you? Certainly there have been those that have made mistakes and called it the ‘work’ of the Holy Spirit. Why is this happening? Because people are flawed and make mistakes. This includes the ‘professional’ clerical ministers. How many Catholic priests and protestant ordained ministers have been overcome by sexual sin? Why? Very little ministry with the Holy Spirit. Man is in charge, rather than deferring to the Holy Spirit. There is very little evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

So then … do we justify banning the ministry of the Holy Spirit from the ekklesia, and the liturgy of the Church, because of the mistakes of weak or actions of evil individuals? Do we just accept the practices of those Churches that have a highly scripted ‘church services’ timed down to the second and call it ‘ministry to the Lord’? That our outward rituals and one-way prayers justify our wicked and sinful ways? It is SO much easier to remain ‘blind’ and ‘dumb’ than to have the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit speaking the Truth to you and showing the actual reality of the things around you.

Do you actually want the Truth of God? The ONLY One who can give you that is the Holy Spirit. Otherwise you’re just guessing. And you will be prone to listening to anyone who has a convincing argument and believing them.

Who are you listening too? Do you actually give the Holy Spirit time to speak to you? Do you purposely give Him time …everyday, and listen to Him?

Prayer actually is TWO-WAY communication, if you have the Spirit of God within you. Do you feel and hear His conviction in your heart and mind? Are you doing anything about it? 

Choose God. Choose to listen to the Holy Spirit. Choose life.

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