So what if Israel is completely decimated by it’s surrounding enemies? I know, I know, Biblical prophecy. I still believe Biblical prophecy. But I surely don’t know God’s current plan and timeline. Could we be facing another ‘event’ like Noah had or Jeremiah had? Maybe not a flood of water but a flood of global decimation, with the human race rebuilding later in a really changed world. Where technology is very sparse — especially with the ‘common’ people. Then just a few hidden enclaves that have technology crawl out of their holes after all the dust settles from the biggest world war the planet has seen to date, and they set up a global network, and the humans rebuild slowly, but now with all the old boundaries / borders gone. But except the division of ideologies and forces are as different than they ever have been. Why am I even thinking about this scenario? Because I don’t know God’s current plans. Yes… there is Biblical prophecy … but how good have we been predicting the events of the present via those prophecies? The whole eschatology movement really has become a ‘rich man’s hobby. As only when times are good enough the people have the time to consider what God’s plan and timeline might be rather than just trying to survive, find clean water, food and shelter. Eschatology also has a bad effect on those who study it extensively, almost obsessing over every possible detail and trying always to connect the dots, rather than listening to the Holy Spirit and what needs to be done in the present. We need to be focused on Him not the circumstances that are swirling around us currently. We need to be focused on Christ .. and Him alone.
Do you know the exact time you will have to stand before God? Today? Tomorrow? A week from today? Next year? When???? So many in the Church today are so obsessed with the ‘rapture’ doctrine — but they haven’t even learned how to ‘hear’ His Voice internally. They actually are motivated by fear rather than obedience to the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. Looking forward to the rapture rather than enjoying the relationship with the current Presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and looking to follow His lead and assignments everyday … means that fear is the main motivator for them.
Sure … there definitely seems to be some prophecy being fulfilled right now, but the affirmation and conclusion that it is the final fulfillment can only be proven from seeing it through the Father’s eyes and not our own. John’s book of Revelation was also seen as being fulfilled by many of the first century Christians as well as today there are some scholars that say Revelation has also been completed / fulfilled. But obviously there are certain portions that definitely have not — from a physical / literal interpretation. And that’s my point — so many are trying so hard to sit on God’s Throne and dictate the ‘way it is’, rather than humbly submit a ‘theory’. None of us can really say — “This is it!” without having the Father’s eyes.
What I do believe is that the world is headed into a real bad destructive path presently. There currently is no way to avoid the coming circumstances which will look like the judgment of God onto the world. The current path looks extremely deadly for most of the common people who are seen as ‘fodder’ for the elite. And when history is studied about this type of situation — it is very devastating and bloody for so many. When the world turns away from God’s principles and laws — death follows closely reaping with huge swaths. Consider that we are now ‘nuclear’ and have the power to wipe out the planet several times over … does not bode well when the majority of world leaders are now just puppets of evil and principalities in spiritual dimensions. Certainly we have a leader of the USA who has all the signs of severe dementia, and has always been severely corrupt and only thinking of himself. America’s regular people being SO rich (in comparison to the rest of the world) — has been lulled to sleep for so long that evil has crept into every step of governmental power. And now that evil is bent on destroying the country and it’s people. The current system is SO corrupt it will have to be destroyed to find real Truth and the basic principles the constitution puts forth. The work of evil has been to change the definition of the words so they can ignore the Truth. This is the way the enemy of God and the human race has worked from the very beginning. The enemy of God HATES the human race. Where you find death being promoted and laughed about — you find the enemies of God. Where you see the most innocent blood being spilled you find the height of evil.
And the rich “christian church” no longer looks like the Bride of Christ, but a slick worldly business club spouting all the “positive energy” and the formulas to a ‘good life’. The American Church institution definitely looks like the Church in Laodicea from the apostle John’s time. (Revelation 3:14-22) Yet .. they are continuing as they always have .. building bigger buildings and spending money on everything BUT making real spiritual disciples. The MEGA church is the way now. Some of us left that ‘system’ years ago – searching for the Holy Spirit in deeper relationship. More and more people are now also leaving this religious business system called a “church” for a real spiritual relationship with God. Church in America is no longer seen as a spiritual ‘house’ of living stones (people with His life and Spirit) but just as a ‘building’ or ‘club’ where people show up once a week at a specific time.
Believe in Jesus Christ? Are you filled with His Holy Spirit? Yes? Then we ARE the Ekklesia!(Greek word usually translated “Church”) We don’t ‘go to church’, we ARE the church of Jesus Christ.
Seek Him with everything that you have! Seek for God moment by moment, listening for His whisper in your mind. This I know … we are headed into the deadly rapids of the river of worldly events. Things are about to get REALLY messy and dangerous. It doesn’t take a genius to see that now.
Are you ready to meet Jesus …if this is the ‘day’ HE has determined for you? Knowing the depth of real spiritual relationship with the Holy Spirit is what is now needed for anyone who calls themselves a “Christian”.