Biggest idol in the American Church?

So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. Matthew 15:6

Have you ever considered what traditions you may be doing that God sees as a hinderance to your relationship with Him? Have you ever carefully considered any of your current religious traditions? Like doing what others just tell you or expect you to do – because that’s the way everyone else does it? Have you even considered what might actually be hindering your spiritual growth?

The above verse was Jesus talking to the most religious sect of their community … the spiritual leaders (Pharisees). What traditions are your spiritual leaders leading you in – that actually hinder real spiritual growth within you? Have you even considered such a question? How do you think the disciples felt when they were with Jesus – who was DEFINITELY defying certain practices of the spiritual leaders at that time? And the spiritual leaders were calling them out for it! (see Matthew 15:2)

What’s more important? Your heart towards God? Or your religious traditions?

When God called individuals to ‘follow’ Him and choose Him, what was usually His first request of them? Do you remember the ‘wilderness’? That wilderness isn’t the kind of fun place where one experiences comfortable spiritual teaching and wonderful coffee lattes. It usually comes with challenges that are VERY difficult to go through and deal with, and just being ALONE with Him, without all the other support of other people. What challenge did Jesus give to the rich man / ruler who claimed to be righteous? And how did he respond? (Luke 18:18-25)

Can you be part of the community without doing all the traditions and expectations of that community? Or does acceptance come with the ‘price’ of listening to the supreme religious leader of that community once a week (attendance of the Sunday service)? Is compliance to the expectation of the spiritual leadership always what Jesus asks you to do? It certainly wasn’t for the disciples and followers of Jesus.

Beloved – do you ever ask the Lord the dangerous questions? Do you ever pray the dangerous prayers? The level of spiritual maturity of your leadership can be measured by their willingness to meet with you one on one at YOUR convenience and answer difficult uncomfortable questions. Like …would you still be here (at the church, or even at this meeting) if you’re weren’t being paid? Why is it SO important to spend millions of dollars of the spiritual community’s money on things that will just eventually ‘burn’ instead of things that will last eternally? Are all the financials completely open and transparent to EVERY member of the community? Listen… VERY closely to their answers. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you actually ‘hear’ what He has to say about their answers.

Money IS possibly the biggest idol in the American Church today. What did Jesus say about money?

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. Matthew 6:24

We ALL need to look at our fears and insecurities surrounding this issue. How many of us make decisions out of our fears rather than listening to Him? Especially in this issue of money.

Is money or the lack of it – clouding your relationship with Him? Do you REALLY trust Him with this area in your life? When money is plentiful – the answer may be easy – but what if money isn’t there to ‘save you’? Does that change your ‘trust’ in Him?

How did Paul speak to this conundrum?

I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. Philippians 4:10-12

Have you learned the same ‘secret’ Paul learned? Have your spiritual leaders?

The challenge is when things AREN’T going well in your life. Can you trust Him then? How much? Can you praise Him while even being in those hard and difficult places?

2 thoughts on “Biggest idol in the American Church?”

  1. I’ve been corrected by one of my friends. It’s the ‘love of money’ that’s the issue, not the money itself. Of course that is correct. Money is neutral in of itself. It’s when our love for it rises above the instruction we are to seek from Him about HIS money. And YES it is ALL His money, we are just stewards of that which He has given us. We so quickly believe we can do whatever we think is best rather than really asking Him what we are to do with it. We tend to go with what we want rather than His plan for it.

  2. Wow! Mic drop!
    “ Is money or the lack of it – clouding your relationship with Him? Do you REALLY trust Him with this area in your life? When money is plentiful – the answer may be easy – but what if money isn’t there to ‘save you’? Does that change your ‘trust’ in Him?”…. I gotta write this somewhere! Fire!

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