Are you under His ‘wings’?

“And when you tell this people all these words, and they say to you, ‘Why has the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? What is our iniquity? What is the sin that we have committed against the Lord our God?’ then you shall say to them: ‘Because your fathers have forsaken Me, declares the Lord, and have gone after other gods and have served and worshiped them, and have forsaken Me and have not kept my law, and because you have done worse than your fathers, for behold, every one of you follows his stubborn, evil will, refusing to listen to Me.’” Jeremiah 16:10-12

How many of your leaders are following the Voice of the Lord / Holy Spirit within them? Or are they just following their own ‘stubborn, evil will’? Do you ask the Lord what you personally are to do, and what choices you are to make? Are you asking Him what you should say and which way you should go? Does your own agenda and evil fleshly (pride, fear, lust) desires rule your decision making? Can you hear His Voice and the ‘way’ He is asking you to go?

What idols are you ignorantly worshipping? Have you asked the Lord if you have any idols in your life? Do you believe there are no consequences for the decisions and choices you make? Are you blaming your parents for the situation you are in, when most of your choices were your own? And many of your choices were actually worse than the ones your parents made? 

When the culture and atmosphere around you are all blatantly rejecting God — are you still faithful to Him? Do you declare your love for Him in that difficult place? How do you know what the Lord has been saying to you .. personally? Are you giving the time and space for Him to speak to you inwardly? Can you discern His Voice? Or are you just relying on the ‘pastor’s sermon’ to be the Word of the Lord to you?

Is God calling you ‘out’ of the place you are currently in? Is the city you are currently in — worse than Sodom? Are the people you choose to be surrounded by – leading you in a life of following Him, or away from Him? Is He calling you to ‘let go’ of certain relationships? Are the consequences of sin about to be poured out on the country, state, county, city, neighborhood, you are currently living in? Do you know beyond any doubt you are where you are supposed to be? Are you fully committed with your life to follow Him and die for Him in that place if He says so? That is the level of commitment He requires. Whose life are you living… yours or His? Did your life actually die when you were baptized into His life?

The place of full and complete surrender to Him — is the path to His blessing and salvation. How much of your life is lived listening to Him? Is He actually guiding your decisions and steps? Or are you guessing? Just listening to ‘sermons’ or podcasts is not enough, it is His Voice and instructions to you personally that He will judge you.

The consequences of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) And if the innocent blood in the ground is crying out all around you to God, and you are blind to the situation surrounding you and the place you live — you could be swept up in the coming flood of consequences coming to your area. The ONLY ‘safe’ place is the one He has called you to. Do you know if He is calling you some where else? Have you asked Him lately? Do you inquire of His instruction and counsel in regard to your daily decisions? 

Our will .. ‘the place we make our decisions within us’… should be following His leading. Our safety is in His ‘shadow’ from being under His ‘wings’ (Psalms 17:8, 36:7, 57:1, 63:7) We come under His ‘wings’ when we follow His lead, when we follow that ‘still small Voice’ of the Holy Spirit within us.

Today .. now.. is the time to inquire of Him. Ask Him to speak to you. Ask Him to show you. Ask  Him which way you should go. Ask Him what you should do? The stop …and LISTEN to Him!

Our time is short. 

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