A secret of the prophetic

Want to know a secret of the prophetic? 

Do you know the Lord’s heart breaks?

One of the characteristics of the gift of prophecy can be the feelings behind the words, visions, and dreams. The Word of Wisdom can also have the same effect on the individual receiving the information. Many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit come with a myriad of things and feelings not discussed in length within the scriptures. They don’t change the scripture in anyway, they don’t negate or lesson the truth to the scriptures, and these things only are known and learned through intimate relationship just like in a marriage. Knowing the details of a marriage is often seen, but there are still the deep heartfelt emotions within both partners which can’t be seen. A deep relationship with the Holy Spirit is the same way. It is a VERY personal and intimate connection within the very core of being.

One of the wonderful things about the things of being able to read about the life of Jesus is to know about His emotions and human connection to us. To read about His heart and love and emotional life is a gift to us. It allows us to see the heart of God. Jesus so wanted to gather all of us to Himself early on, His heart broke for the pain and suffering we go through. But He also was obedient to His Father and knowing the Father’s plan was correct and necessary so that He could eventually gather everyone who wanted to come to Him. Our Lord Jesus has all the same emotions we have.

One of the difficult things about ‘knowing’ the truthful reality that we are currently in … is the true level of corruption and evil that permeates so much of the earth currently. So many people are completely blind to what is going on around them. They have no clue of how many evil traps they are currently totally ensnared in, and are blissfully walking into more of them. When He shares with you about things that are to come you feel His heart and how much He cares for people, and how much He wants to draw them to Himself. But so many have allowed their ears to be made deaf to the Truth. So many have allowed themselves to be blinded, so that they don’t have to look at the Truth. There are times feeling His heart is too much for me to handle, the sorrow, the compassion, the heartbreak… is truly overwhelming. Deep racking sobs from the depths of the soul. This kind of emotional revelation brings new depths of understanding to scriptures like …

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26

The word ‘groanings’ is stenagmós – meaning a groaning (sighing), especially brought on by circumstances creating great pressure. ‘Too deep for words’ = not to be uttered, not to be expressed in words: mute sighs, the expression of which is suppressed by grief.

It’s hard to express with words the real full depth of emotions within the human condition. 

If one knew how much our sin — hurts His heart, we’d be much quicker in allowing the Holy Spirit show us the way out of our current temptation. It’s like the feeling one has when you know you’ve totally disappointed one who you love SO much, like your spouse or child. Or when you know you’ve let down your friend or parent who has shown you so much unconditional love. For us He is always ready to forgive. (1 John 1:9)

For those seeking His heart in a much deeper way — He is very willing to take you into Himself. But many of us are not ready to experience the depths of His Heart. Knowing His heart is to know the Truth in a very intimate deep way — especially about yourself first. That revelation can be very difficult to deal with. But it will bring greater humility, and gratefulness for His love and mercy shown to you.. daily.

Oh the depths of His love for you and me are truly beyond comprehension.

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