A New Heart and Spirit

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Have you pondered this Word / prophecy from the Lord to Ezekiel? What exactly is this new heart and spirit? The word ‘heart’ has to do with our inner most part and the place where our choices are made. I believe our spirit is where that ‘will’ exists. Everything I read here makes me immediately think of the residing Presence of the Holy Spirit within a person. The Holy Spirit is the One who works to bring us into the likeness of Jesus Christ. He is working to change our very character traits into His. He is giving us new ways and perspectives. This ‘new’ relationship is vital to learning, growing, and knowing His heart and instructions to each of us. But like any relationship it is as only as deep as we want it to be. Our choice still exists. We must choose Him at every step. From Him we are to be learning how to change our habits and ways of seeing things. Our expectations change, our hopes change, our goals change, even our demeanor changes .. when we learn to yield to the whisper of the Holy Spirit within us.

The human creation was made to be inhabited by His Spirit. When the ‘fall’ happened we were left without that ‘connection’ and Presence that was to fill that created space within us. This is why humans can be possessed by other spirits that come and fill that space within them. What does it take for us to be possessed by another spirit? Our ‘agreement’. When we agree to seek out other sources of fulfillment for that ‘space’ that is supposed to be occupied by the Spirit of God we give them ‘access’ to that space. Most don’t know when they have agreed to invite other spirits to inhabit them. Most are blind to the spiritual realm and it’s rules. The Spirit of God can easily reveal all the wrong ‘agreements’ and connections you have made in the past. We must cleanse ourselves of all those connections to unclean spirits. We need to become ‘new’ and clean. This is the work of the Spirit of God within us. The ugly truth presently … is that many are plagued with wrong spirit connections that hold them back from the purpose God created them for. Many need to be cleansed and delivered from the shackles and slavery they unwittingly agreed to. So many others need to renounce their idols. What is an idol? Anything you ‘worship’. Anything you have as a priority over God. Anything you care about more than God.

The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord is avenging and wrathful; the Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries and keeps wrath for His enemies. Nahum 1:2

You are His creation. He sees you as His. But because of His love …you have free will to choose. The rebellious fallen chose unwisely and want nothing but to hurt Him anyway they can. Humanity became their target of hate seeing the love of God when He made Adam and Eve. Those ‘children’ also were given free will and choice. And the rebellious worked to deceive those newly created children and succeeded for a time. Then God sent a new ‘Adam’ and did a ‘reboot’ through Jesus .. and now all of us have a access to Him via His Holy Spirit. A ‘new’ heart and spirit are given to those that ask Him. 

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! Luke 11:13

Please understand this. It is a … relationship with the Holy Spirit, not a ritual, not an algorithm, not a mantra, not an intellectual concept, not a doctrine, not a tradition. Relationships take time and effort. Are you working on that relationship with the Holy Spirit … daily? Are you listening to Him inside of you? 

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