Why don’t we really know the Spirit of God in America?

The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2

The Holy Spirit IS God. But most of American Christianity gives the Holy Spirit a minor role, and subsequently does not teach or even mention Him as much as the Father or Jesus, yet He is just as much a part as the other two. The Triune God truly is a mystery for us mortals currently trapped in the lower dimensions of creation. Yet there have been a ‘few’ created and called to interact with the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim), and they became known as ‘prophets of God’. These types individuals have always been a part of God’s plan for humanity. Because they are born with a sensitivity to the higher dimensions and the created frequencies, they are often uncomfortable with the normalcy that others seem to live with. Often loners, outcasts, and wanderers these individuals seem to have one foot in the higher dimensions and one foot in what we understand is our creation, because they were made that way by their Creator.

The enemies of God look for these types of individuals and look to identify them when they are still children. The groups (covens and their ilk) of the enemies of God esteem these ‘seers’ / mystics, and spirit sensitives highly and look to bring them into their circle at a very young age. Yet it is these types of individuals who have a huge gaping hole (bigger than the normal person) in their soul that the Spirit of God can only satisfy and fill. When one of these individuals becomes inhabited / filled / and baptized by the Holy Spirit, the lifelong process of becoming a unique tool for God begins. If they are able to endure the process, tests, trials, and long periods of isolation with God alone … they come out the other end as a spokesperson, speaker or prophet of God (Hebrew word = nabi). Actually, this type of spiritually mature spirit sensitive individual is to be a ‘gift’ to the ekklesia / Church.

And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Ephesians 4:11-16

To make this even more confusing and dangerous the enemies of God also infiltrate the circles of humans within the human family of God as undercover agents of evil. So not only do we have false shepherds and hirelings we have false prophets as well, along with false apostles, false evangelists, and false teachers. How are we to discern these individuals in our midst? By the Holy Spirit. And who better to call them out – but a true Spirit sensitive (Prophet) being instructed by the Holy Spirit. But what if your ‘group’ / Church hasn’t identified or promoted any of these types in your midst as elders and given them a place to do what they’ve been called to do by God? Basically, the group becomes handicapped because it is missing a HUGE part of the Body of Christ they need to discern things by the Spirit of God. The Body needs the gift of the prophet to teach and equip the Body in the ways of the Spirit of God.

Unfortunately, there have been lots of human doctrines created to demystify the things of God into formulas and systems throughout history, and those ways continue to this day. It is much easier to simplify God into steps and formulas and leave behind the spirit (higher dimensions) realms, so that you can have a ‘profitable’ “Church”. One such human Church doctrine is known as Cessationism. It has been used to deny the mystery of God’s ways especially with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So, the Body of Christ becomes more and more handicapped spiritually the more physically wealthy and prosperous they become. Don’t agree? Ask yourself this question… where does the Church grow the fastest? How does it really become spiritually mature? In countries and areas where the Church is persecuted the most. So, the wealthier the Church …the more likely they will diminish the actual work of the Holy Spirit in their midst. The more academically and intellectually they esteem themselves the more likely they push the work of the Holy Spirit aside.

What does your “Church” really teach about the Holy Spirit? Are you also being taught by a ‘prophet’ type of individual who is a Spirit-sensitive who is walking out a ‘calling’ from God? Do you personally know any types of these kinds of individuals? Or does your Church just mention the Holy Spirit but never go into any depth about Him?

Here’s a secret… there are more of these types individuals than we think there are. Who has God called to identify and mentor them?

1 thought on “Why don’t we really know the Spirit of God in America?”

  1. Biblical illiteracy opens the door wide for false prophets and evangelists and especially pastors
    That’s why there are so many cowards today or hirelings as you mentioned

    Revival exposes the infiltrators, chases away the wolves in sheep clothing, separates the sheep from the goats and brings hearing back into the fold

    Come quickly Lord

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