Weed Control

Just as you do not know the way and path of the wind or how the bones are formed in the womb of a pregnant woman, even so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things. Ecclesiastes 11:5 AMP

The Hebrew word for ‘wind’ here is ruach meaning breath, wind, or spirit. Did you know you are a spirit that has a soul? The other part of you is obviously your body — your flesh (your earth suit). Those who do not know God dismiss the spirit part, and some also dismiss the soul. But we were made in His image, and He formed us in our mother’s womb (Genesis 9:6, Psalms 139:13). We a three part being yet we are one. (Sound familiar?)

We’ve been given an extremely powerful freedom by God. That freedom comes in the package of our ‘free will’; our ability to make choices. We are not just automatons, but sentient conscious beings with a conscience who have a choice to …love or not. The mystery of our creation still escapes the most smartest humans. We still don’t know the smallest particles of our own creation, we barely understand some parts of our created cosmos. I get the feeling we’ll be learning of His ‘Works’ / activity for ….eternity. Omnipresent. Omniscient. Omnipotent. The finite will never totally understand or comprehend those attributes.

Do we contain a third strain of DNA? One that can’t be totally seen but only observed by its impact on the other two? That third strand being hyper-dimensional? In our spirit.. it is my theory that is where our free will is held and we make our decisions and choices. We can make choices that go against our minds / brains and rational logical thought.

God created us to be …spirit. It is our spirit that should be the pinnacle and driver of our life. Our spirit should connect us with the Spirit of God / Holy Spirit and follow His instructions, and choose to accept His Truth and His ways. He then works with us to shape our souls, maturing our minds and emotions with His own Character (fruit), and Word (logos and rhema). He helps us develop ‘self-control’ to keep our body and fleshly desires and passions in line with His will for us. (Galatians 5:22-23)

We have been ‘wonderfully made’ by Him (Psalms 139:14). But we live in a ‘fallen’ world and corrupted atmosphere where ‘sin’ abounds. Sin is like weeds, no matter what we do to prevent weeds — the ground left alone long enough weeds WILL sprout up again. What should be our ‘weed control’? The Fruit of the Holy Spirit of ‘self-control’ in our lives. He will tell us what is ‘good’ for us and what is not. Then we must decide which way to go. Either we agree with Him or we deny Him. This is why Paul suggests to take every thought captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Life in Christ isn’t a ritual or tradition or religion .. its a vibrant, ongoing conversation and relationship with the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. It isn’t about checking in once a week on Sunday in the four-walled building – but a daily, hourly, moment by moment friendship, working together your entire day.

What are your instructions from Him for today? Or are you on another auto-pilot’s agenda?

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