Vision and Renovation

What do you see? How much of what you see is through other’s lenses? Have your icons, heroes, idols, and even friends and family skewed how you see things? Many times our disillusionment and depression comes from us losing those who we’ve placed ‘in front’ of the Holy Spirit in our lives and love. This could also include those in our own family. Matthew 10:34-39

God then must realign us and take that first place again in our lives. Oh how we allow others and things to take His place without us really realizing that has happened at our very core. The condition of our character is what determines how we see God. The Holy Spirit, if we allow Him, is constantly working on our character to shape us that we might be able to see what He sees. The Holy Spirit must work on our character to wipe away old biases that were not of Him, that cloud our vision, and sometimes the process could be likened to fine detailed surgery.

What teachers and other voices have you allowed into your perspective OVER that of the real Teacher? Who is the One to teach you ALL things? John 14:26 So what or who has entered your life that you haven’t brought before Him and …surrendered / submitted? Are you allowing Him to constantly renew and renovate you? Are you allowing the surgery He wants to do in your life? Renovation of our souls by the Holy Spirit can be very revealing of things hidden in the cracks and shadows of our lives – that we’ve allowed in our souls and minds that whisper to us and change us – that He actually wants to remove.

We can become so entrenched and stubborn with our own perspectives and beliefs that we won’t allow the Holy Spirit to show us things that are true in areas we’ve already decided we ‘know best’. This is the main source of our problems in our spiritual growth and relationship with Him. Romans 12.

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