What does it take to have belief? A strong argument? Intellect? Facts? Sensory experiences? Actually belief comes through an act of our will. We choose to believe. Certainly all of those questions might be a factor in leading us to that decision to choose, but it still is our will that ultimately makes the leap into belief.
We have to want to believe, otherwise we will not …no matter what the facts show. This is where the mystery of the spiritual and the will walk in the same plane. I believe our will is housed in our spirit more than our brain / mind. Our will can override our brain. Our will can override almost every part of our physicality. Which would mean our will is part of the eternal part of us.
We must choose God by an act of our will. The Holy Spirit draws a person into a realization of the Truth. Then we have a choice whether to accept that Truth … or not. Trusting in our own mental understanding can be a hindrance to the complete trust we need in God. What is the final surrender a person can do? A surrender of one’s will. That’s the enemy’s plan — to break a person’s will. Making that person think they have no choice. There is always a choice to trust God, and a choice to surrender to him.
When one surrenders their will to God / the Holy Spirit — then their transformation can begin, and then they can actually see, understand, and appreciate the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. That transformation begins with a very intimate and inner relationship in the very heart of our soul and mind. It’s begins with heart issues more than intellectual ones. He works from the very core of us to the outer edges, piece by piece, issue by issue. Slowly He exposes our secret places and asks our permission to invade them. We are given choice after choice to go deeper with Him. As we surrender our will to Him again and again He will lead us into all Truth and a deeper more intimate relationship with Him.
Are you ready to deliberately commit yourself and your will to Him… again? Are you ready to face the difficult things about yourself? Are you willing to ask Him those difficult questions? You may think you’ve gone as far as you can, until you figure out that their is an eternal side to you — and it will take the Holy Spirit and your willingness to have Him to take you by the hand and lead you further in. Another paradox is that the inner room will be bigger than the outer room. CS Lewis postulates this paradox in book The Last Battle in the final chapters. The spiritual realms and dimensions are different than we’ve experienced here.
My suggestion? Never enter another spiritual realm or dimension unless you have the Holy Spirit by His Hand and He is leading you in. Submit and surrender your will to Him and He will lead you.