So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6
Today most thought / teaching expressly is that we must be grossly experienced before we can be of use to anyone. Scripturally that is not true. Jesus Christ understood as no one has done, but He never ate of the Tree of good and evil. Our Lord knew of good and evil by the life that was in Him; and that’s the way God intended that Man’s knowledge of evil should come in the same way as it came to our Lord; through the rigorous integrity of obedience to God.
It is only when we are delivered from sin that the Holy Spirit begins to give us an understanding of what sin really is. When one becomes convicted of sin that you know how devastating that sin can create havoc within one self and around us. You then begin to know the awesome mighty salvation that Jesus has provided for you, and only through the obedience to the Holy Spirit do you begin to know what an awful thing sin actually is.
It is only by the intimate relational work of the Holy Spirit within us that one begins to understand any spiritual knowledge in any depth. Our mental intellectual attempts to understand the spiritual only muddy the waters of clarity.
Spiritual IQ has much more to do with an intimacy with the Holy Spirit than it does with academic book learning. Exegetical and hermeneutical knowledge will only take you so far. Theological and doctrinal academic training will still end at the border of the spiritual realm. Yet one who knows Him intimately by the Holy Spirit will have a heart / spiritual knowledge that will surpass any mental intellectual knowledge when it comes to the spiritual realm. What am I trying to convey? Jesus just doesn’t want your mind — He wants your whole heart MORE! We can mentally assent to being faithful and in love, but with a true heart those things are beyond the mind.
So then truly understanding sin on a deep individual level, it will always come from a deep intimate personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Sin is the thing that leads you away from Him. And when you are working so hard in being with Him and understanding Him— sin will hinder that effort. But if you don’t know how the Holy Spirit is moving within you – how can you know what it is He wants from you? Will you just try harder to be a legalist and interpret all of the law’s boundaries for yourself to keep out of sin? Why? When the Holy Spirit was given for that very purpose.
Father – reveal the sin within us, that we might repent and be cleansed.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Surrender is always the first step back into His arms. Pride blocks that first step. Fear usually comes behind pride to back up what pride is saying. And that’s when the arguing usually begins.
Stop… pray out of your true heart, pour it all out before Him… in real humility.