Spiritual Balance

How does someone obtain the correct spiritual balance? By giving up the right to yourself …to Jesus. Let Him realize Himself in you. Jesus quenches our desire by detaching us from things so that we many know Him. In this way God brings us into the fullness of life and balance. The majority of us are not in the place where He can give us the “hundred fold” (Matthew 13:8). “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” is the usual common sense statement, when God is wanting to give us the bush with ALL the birds in it! It is necessary to be detached from things and then come back to them in the right relationship. A sense of “my property” is a real hindrance to spiritual growth, that is why so many of us know nothing about real communion with Jesus Christ.

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20

Jesus bought you with His blood. You are now His. So EVERYTHING that you have is now His. Everything that you now own and will own is His. All your property and worldly possessions are His. Even your own body, mind and soul are … His.

For any possible type of spiritual balance to exist in your life you have to know this Truth in the deepest forms. So when the Holy Spirit says to give something away or to someone — then you must do it… as it was His to do with as He pleases, when He pleases. Most give out of guilt, or coercion, ritual, or motive to get… when it should just be out of obedience to His prompting by the Holy Spirit, without ANY expectation of receiving anything in return, and it should be done with JOY! If a person is becoming too attached to something it is not unusual for the Holy Spirit to ask them to give it away. 

Our joy should come from our devotion to Jesus, not from any other outside influences. Our desire should not be from having anything BUT the friendship of our Lord and King. Property, things, wealth .. will ALL pass away, and can be gone in a moment. But a real friendship and relationship with Jesus will last forever. So be careful in your attachments with things, homes, cars, and comforts, lest they draw you away from the desire which should remain first in your life.

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