“Prove it!”

Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” John 20:23-25

Oh how many of us are stubborn like Thomas with spiritual matters? Granted this was before the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which would come shortly after this event, but this is a great example of our human nature which often rises up to say “Prove it!” to others when they speak of their own spiritual testimonies and spiritual experiences. When so many are but as toddlers spiritually who have so very little tangible relationship with the Holy Spirit speak, it becomes painfully obvious that they are VERY spiritually immature. And we should love them as we love a toddler. How much patience, discipline, and love are required when dealing with a two-year old? Now wonderfully, I have a granddaughter who is about this age. And oh how I love her, she truly is such a blessing, but she also has two-year old emotional swings. This is how we should love those still trapped in ways of pride and ignorance when they try to ‘defend’ their viewpoint of God. Just love them. And if they’re adults physically … then even greater patience and love is required. There is no need for reaction, but just a gentle quiet truthful response. How can we do that? The best way is asking the Holy Spirit for the words. And then speaking those words in the gentlest way possible and NOT adding any of your ‘opinion’ on the matter. Often we might want to play the parent, or judge, or prosecutor, or professor, when dealing with people like this, but does this actually help them? What’s your track record like …doing it that way? Can we actually pray for them with the right intentions and heart of Jesus? Does Jesus really know how to deal with them? Can you leave them in His hands?

What also can hinder our hearts from accepting God’s revelation? Our own past wounds, hurts, fears, addictions, and iniquities can block the very thing God is trying to speak to our heart to give us hope and blessing. Many have a ‘father wound’ that needs resolving and healing. Have you ever asked the Holy Spirit to walk you through any deeply buried wounds you hold from your parents? Are you willing to forgive them for all the mistakes they made when they were just being human parents, often at times not even having the right capabilities to deal with you? Are you willing to ask them for forgiveness for all the things you hid from them – that was counter to the right way they taught you?

Thomas we know truly reconciled with Jesus eight days later after this event, and it was a beautiful thing to read. (John 20:26-29) Can you reconcile with your parents? Can you bless them? Can you say thank you for ALL they did for you (even if it was severely lacking)?

Spiritually mature individuals have the mature and fully developed fruit of the Holy Spirit being displayed in all their interactions with others. How are you doing in that evaluation? How are you doing in your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

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