In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord; in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying; my soul refuses to be comforted. Psalms 77:2
One of the most complex and marvelous mysterious creations God has made is our soul. The feelings the soul has are a connection to a realm we seem to be very uneducated about. Yet we ALL deal with difficult and delirious emotions, ranging from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. What do we do when our soul aches? How do we manage such a mysterious thing as our emotions and feelings which seem to toss us like a bad ocean storm? What do we do with such emotional dreams that seem to plague our heart and soul? Asaph, the author of this psalm says in the next verse … When I remember God, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. The human condition involves BIG emotions. We must learn how to navigate such seemingly difficult emotional seas within our souls. Asaph goes on to “remember the deeds of the Lord” (Jehovah) obviously to encourage his soul that God is faithful.
God gave us these emotions and ‘soul senses’ to enrich our lives and to connect to Him in His love. We are not robots or just biological machines …we are made in His image (Genesis 1:27) to have relationship with Him, to be loved by Him, and have the free will and choice to love Him back. The complexity of all of that is staggering and marvelous to ponder. Yet … our emotions can almost paralyze us. On the spiritual battlefield our emotions are easy targets for the enemy of our souls. You are being studied by the enemies of God for weaknesses and to find ways to make you ineffective for God in the spiritual realms. One must learn how to pull out of a dangerous cycle of swirling emotions and feelings that keep one trapped on a seemingly never ending ‘hamster wheel’. Do you understand how important our spiritual armor is? (Ephesians 6)
My solution? God Himself. What avenue of connection with God do I have in the most intimate and close way? It must be the Holy Spirit, as Jesus is now in heaven with the Father. Do I allow the Holy Spirit to counsel me on how to deal with my difficult emotions and feelings? Do I ask Him to help me understand why I wrestle so much with such difficult emotions? Do I ask Him to show me the ‘root’ of my issues? Then do I ask Him to heal them? Do I ask Him to do soul surgery on me to make my heart His?
Have you learned how to encourage your soul in those times of emotional storms? You have a will and choice on how you will allow those emotions to spill out on to others around you. Do you seek the Holy Spirit immediately during those times to help you to learn to respond correctly and not react?
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise! Psalms 95:1-2
Seek the Holy Spirit daily, moment by moment. He is there to help you with your soul.