Lack of Knowledge

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

Many have used this scripture of late. And you will hear it more and more.

This scripture also should not be taken lightly or dismissed ESPECIALLY if the Holy Spirit is highlighting to your spirit. 

So what exact knowledge are you lacking? The answer to that question …only One can really answer it to the level that you need. But to get that kind of answer will require a level of relationship with the Holy Spirit that is mature, trusted, and familiar. How would you rate your current relationship with the Holy Spirit? Can you Hear Him? Do you talk regularly with Him? Does He have the ability (or your permission) to step into your day and interject things? Do you ask Him questions throughout your day? Does His gifts work through you on a regular basis? (See 1 Corinthians 12) What are you doing to advance and deepen that relationship?

The ‘days of Noah’ phrase is also being used more and more lately. So also understanding what the days of Noah was like the first time around would be a good beginning to learn. And the division and confusion about how to understand that time is also greatly divided in theological circles. I tend to want to look outside the ‘walls of religion’ for actual evidence (Archeological and physical) of what a ‘time’ was like. I actually like to research all the information that we have about that timeframe. Of course with the internet at our finger tips now that information is vast, and it also takes the Guide / Teacher / Holy Spirit to help you sift through all of it.

Much of the ‘knowledge’ we also need to know is about ourselves. Again, the One who knows you the best is HE who created you. He actually knows you better than you know yourself. But again, that goes back to development of the intimate relationship with Him — and working on that daily conversation. There is so much He wants to help us with … concerning ourselves. Our hearts / souls, and our very being .. with Him. What’s it really mean for Him to indwell us? These are the questions that need to be explored with Him.

There is SO much we don’t know, and the paradox is that the more I know, the more I know even less. So learning more is an adventure He wants us to be on .. with Him. What adventures is He inviting you on? Are you ready to go with Him?

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