Exalt the Lord our God;
worship at his footstool!
Holy is he! Psalms 99:5
Jehovah- Eloheenu the Lord our God. David here in this Psalm uses the identifier ‘Eloheenu’ which is a derivative of ‘Elohim’ and this derivative is used 174 times in the OT. The difference is in the the aspect of ‘our’. David is speaking to the readers or singers as ‘part’ of group that identifies God as their ‘own’.
“Our God.” Do you have a fellowship (koinonia) of people that you know and love? Koinonia the Greek word for ‘fellowship’ means (a) contributory help, participation, (b) sharing in, communion, (c) spiritual fellowship, a fellowship in the spirit. This is far from what most experience as their “Church” experience on Sunday Morning. As it requires ‘contribution’ from all the members. Don’t mistake ‘contribution’ as what now is known as the ‘offering’. Contribution here means real help and participation with one another. That would take conversation, and real caring for one another. Sharing resources together. And actually praying together for one another. It is much more intimate than a performance based entertainment ‘hour’. Do you help one another like good friends do? Real koinonia takes actually knowing one another. Do you really know the people sitting around you? Could you really use the word “our” when speaking for them? Do you really know that the Lord is their God too?
Using the word “our” requires a pretty good relationship with people, more than the acquaintance level. When you go through a crisis together then you really begin to see who your friends really are and what they are made of. What level of relationship do you really have with those you say you are in koinonia with?
The Israelites had many times throughout their history where they encountered major crisis as a group. Many times there were recorded miracles where God ‘saved’ them. Do you have any stories where God saved your group / family from crisis? If you do then using the word “our” can have such a greater meaning. I know God has ‘saved’ my family several times from crisis through miracles. I can definitely say He is OUR God.
My challenge to you is to find those you want to use the word identifier as ‘our’ God. Learn with each other how to go through life together as His family.