Inspiration. Where do you find it?

In this current time and world the inundation of media, data, and voices flowing is exponentially greater than any generation has ever experienced before. And almost anyone can access ALL of it via their little black mirror. Yet inspiration is still a needed component for any real creativity.

I think of many creative types and where they seek their inspiration. Of course I always think of the Original inspiration. The mind of God. How exactly would one tap into that Source?

Many surround themselves with His Creation / nature and sit in it, soaking and meditating on the simplistic beauty yet complex designs. Others try to block out all other stimuli in hopes of catching a ‘spark’ of something new. Some seek out other inspirational people and observe their work via art, music, poetry, writing, sculpture, etc. Some people need quiet, and some people need the right kind of noise, smell, and surroundings.

I’m now in this endeavor of trying to be creative EVERYDAY. And I’m realizing that it’s NOT that easy to do. I also know that I MUST keep at it and consistently working on it. Obviously there will be days that are great and others days that I … suck. Self evaluation with real honest critical truth is essential for moving forward and growing. Can you handle the Truth? So many today cannot.

My ‘go to’ has become first and foremost the Holy Spirit. Asking Him questions, listening to His responses which often times with me are more questions. Questions which make me go deeper.

I think of the biblical writers, who ALL were driven by inspiration from the Holy Spirit. They had to learn to listen well, and then communicate that inspiration clearly. If you’ve ever attempted that — you know it’s not as easy as writing or saying it.

But as a TC2 person — where should my efforts be focused? Always on my Master. Always focusing on His instructions to me. Listening to Him. Asking real questions. Asking Him what He created me to do … today, in the moment. Asking for inspiration from Him. Then be ready … to carry it out .. and be in His …flow.

Speak Lord your servant is listening…. (1 Samuel 3:9-10)

Try it. And wait for His reply.

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