Harsh Truth.

Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you have forgotten me and cast me behind your back, you yourself must bear the consequences of your lewdness and whoring. Ezekiel 23:35

Here’s a verse not usually preached from the pulpit. Ezekiel doesn’t sugarcoat or use ‘nice’ words. So much of religion is to make it comfortable for the listener / follower. Religion doesn’t want to ‘rock the boat’ of those who might support you.

The REAL God is NOT a religion. Jesus didn’t come to make people comfortable or start a religion. The Holy Spirit most often brings REAL conviction and shows us what actually is … SIN in our lives. Ezekiel had the ‘job’ from God of actually calling out the sin of Samaria and Jerusalem. He uses a metaphor of two sisters for the cities / areas. There are real consequences for ‘turning our back’ on God. (you should read the whole of chapter 23 of Ezekiel)

In my lifetime I have never seen the country that I live in – so filled with sin. It has gone to the extreme level. Hypocrisy, lying, debauchery, sexual immorality at a level of Sodom and Gomorrah, uncleanness (disease and infection), public indecency and wanton violence (riots and protests), idolatry (worship of celebrity or images), outright sorcery (witchcraft through pharmacy by the medical industry), blatant hostility, hatred, and alienation of whole people groups, constant quarreling and disputation, the stirring up of division and factions, embittered and envious minds to the point of being glad when someone experiences misfortune or pain, the amount of people using alcohol and drugs to escape this reality to the point they are completely in a stupor, and the severe reveling in all manor of debauched partying and sexual deviancy and parading it through the literal city streets and all over social media. The blatant severe corruption of imbedded political government officials who ONLY think of themselves. Has the majority of our country really turned it’s back on God?

Where is the Light of the Church in this country? So much of the centralized institutional American Christian ‘pillars’ have been infiltrated and corrupted by the enemies of God. We are seeing that fact more and more. The American Church is mostly run by ‘hirelings’, not those ‘called’ by God Himself who are willing to give their lives for Him.

If anyone has read the old testament they should know what happened next to the Israelites who were in this type of condition of sin. The consequences were severe. Are the American pulpits warning their people of the coming consequences? Or are they too concerned about the ‘budget’? There have been flashes of repentance movements throughout the country, on college campuses, in street meetings, and other areas – but NOT within the Churches. Prayer movements within in the Churches have to be highly controlled by the powers of the leadership, because having a Holy Spirit outbreak is way too dangerous to their current standing within that church. So… the Holy Spirit has controls and binders put upon Him by the Church leadership. They wouldn’t want to upset the status quo of money, power, and influence.

The ‘hour’ is late. Have we already crossed the rubicon?

The ‘unknown’ (non-paid) bold prophetic voices have been shouting the coming consequences for quite a while now and calling for deep repentance. Is anyone listening? Far too few.

Are you pressing into the Holy Spirit with even a greater fervency? These may be our last days to actually do that willingly before the ‘storm’.

Father have mercy on those who truly love you.

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