Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6
In my understanding there are commandments and there are laws. God’s laws / methods cannot be broken they are immutable. This is where I put the law of sowing and reaping. This morning it struck me again that everyday we ‘plant’ seed. Whether it be good or bad.. we are planting… and that will have a harvest in our lives depending on what we planted before. We will reap what we put out there.
What are we planting in our marriages? Families? Friendships? What are we sowing everyday that will bring a harvest we actually want? Are you aware of what you are planting everyday in all the areas of your life? Is your relationship strong and deep enough with the Holy Spirit that He can warn you when you are planting the wrong things? Are your purposely planting good things knowing that at some point a harvest will come from your efforts to plant the things God encourages you to do? Understand He is the Master of the harvest. He determines the level of the harvest in our lives. Some of us have been planting the wrongs things for far too long. Our focus has been askew, on ourselves, on our fleshly desires, on things that will have zero eternal rewards. Our past planting has led us into very bad harvests. We must take control of our lives by our will and point it to Him. Asking Him to guide us, direct us, and tell us what He would have us do … daily. We need to be planting those things He wants us to plant, so that He can bring that harvest He so wishes to give us in abundance. The catch is … our best and most abundant harvests come from His direction … alone.
So what will you plant today? What will your future harvests bring?
My suggestion is … ask Him what He wants you to plant / to do today. Then do it. If God gives you something to do .. don’t sit on it, don’t wait, just do it .. quickly, and completely, with your whole heart.
Only He knows how long each of us have to plant in our earthly lives. Let’s be diligent to use our days wisely.
1 thought on “God’s Immutable Laws”
“Understand He is the master of the harvest.” Yes, He absolutely is! I’ve experienced this many times where the sales in my business were slow, it’s usually because I’ve not done something God’s asked me to do when He’s asked me to do it. This past September was a slower month compared to the previous month. See the thing about hearing His voice is… we are responsible for obeying. When I do what He asks… right after my sales start increasing.