Does God Change?

For I the Lord do not change; Malachi 3:6a

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

That’s pretty definitive. So what really is the issue here that people are so debating? The difference between the OT and the NT. But…. God still doesn’t change. His righteousness and grace haven’t changed. All of His attributes haven’t changed. His nature hasn’t changed. His standards and ways haven’t changed. So what exactly has changed? The two covenants. The difference has NOTHING to do with God or His position. He remains the same in His holiness, glory, perfection, and righteousness.

What then exactly has changed? Firstly the mediator(s) and secondly the ground they stand on. It is this platform that causes so much a snare and deception. That only certain people are still ‘ministers’ is the issue that is being pedaled by the institutional system of the religious Church, which is totally unscriptural and wrong. It is just as much your privilege as any person to behold Christ and be filled and anointed by the Holy Spirit and to be called to ministry in Christ. In fact, professional ministers have no more Holy Spirit or access to God than you do. They are NOT set apart from anyone else, or at a higher level spiritually under the NT covenant. Everyone in Christ has the same opportunity to be His minister. In fact, I believe we ALL are called to be His minister. Whether any of us choose to do so really is the issue with us. 

The difference with the NT covenant is not in God but in the mediators and the difference in the position which we occupy because of the Mediator (Jesus Christ); we are now in Christ, Who satisfies God. So there is no longer any difference between the clergy and the laity which existed under the OT covenant.

We are constantly being told to ‘follow’ our preacher, rather the Holy Spirit. What preachers continually tell you that they are no different than you? What preachers continually tell you that EVERYTHING they say MUST be checked by the Holy Spirit within you? Do we put our professional spiritual leaders on a pedestal? Do we think of them of having something we don’t have access to? 

I’m not trying to dishonor anyone. We should honor ALL members of the Body. But to say that the elbow is better than the hand becomes a ridiculous and petty argument and that only causes dissension and factions. To say that spiritual leaders are not sheep as well, is a problem. They may be in a position to equip the sheep — but they’re still a ‘sheep’ as they do it. They are NOT the ONE Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

So what are the ramifications of this realization? YOU are responsible for your own spiritual growth. You will NOT be able to point at ANY of your spiritual leaders as an excuse when you stand before Him at the end of your life at His judgment. Because the MEDITATOR is actually IN you via the Holy Spirit — you will be held accountable for ALL of your spiritual growth and words / actions whether or not you followed His instructions to you personally. The Teacher actually resides within you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher now. Are you listening to Him? Are your obeying Him? 

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26

What has He said to you personally? What has He asked you to do for Him? (Rhema Words) 

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