Dark Emotions

And He said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
Luke.9.23-26 ESV
Who’s cross are you picking up daily? Who are you following… anyone?
Are you actually receiving instructions of where to go and what to do and what to say? Are you actually communicating with the Holy Spirit or are you just religious?
Who’s life are you actually living? Your own? You say you’ve given your life to the “Lord” but is there any daily evidence that you are actually living His life by following His daily instructions to you?
So many sitting in the American Church today are just going through the religious motions … and have no real relationship with the Holy Spirit. Even when evil continues to increase all around them … they don’t have a clue of what is really going on. They dismiss all the ‘signs’ of warning, refusing to believe the danger of the ‘hour’.
We are seeing evil forces rising into places where they can carry out their wishes of destruction, death, and dismemberment of the innocent and those who follow Jesus Christ.
It’s now obvious to anyone that has an ability to critically think that evil has embodied itself in many people and movements, within our own country, government, state, county, city, schools, and court houses.
How do we know what or who the forces of evil are?
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
By their fruit we shall know them. What fruit? Actions, words, and deeds.
If you’ll notice … fruit is NOT emotions. Just because someone weeps – that does not make them righteous or pure. We’ve allowed emotions to rule over the Holy Spirit in our lives We’ve allowed emotions to make our decisions. Our decisions should NEVER be made from our emotions but from our spirit which should be taking instructions and advice from the indwelling Spirit of God.
Why are we putting leaders in place by what we ‘feel’ about them? Why are we choosing leaders because of our emotions? Are your emotions ever misplaced? Can you become emotional over a misunderstanding? Have you ever ‘read’ something wrong and emotions immediately flared up in you? Do emotions make things right? Why are you following your emotions over the Spirit of God? Is it because you haven’t learned how to discern His Voice? Or have you dismissed His ‘still small Voice’ within you all too often and you no longer recognize His Voice? Do you try justify your actions or position because of your emotions?
When your anger flares do you check with the Holy Spirit as to what you should do next or do you just lash out? Do you have enough self control not to react out of emotion? Who is your guiding Spirit? Is it really the Spirit of Christ which is the Holy Spirit, or are you following your soul-ish emotions? “I feel this way … so I’m right.” Do you admit to that?
Also dark or difficult emotions tend to make us more vulnerable to our iniquities, vices, and old habits (addictions). We can easily be caught in a vortex of an unhealthy cycle which is very hard to break out of. Solutions? Connection. First in real repentance with the Holy Spirit and then in honest confession to trusted close friends who can maturely help you walk out the next steps. The enemy will usually have a constant barrage of guilt and shame sent to keep us in those dark emotions. But a constant connection and honest communication with the Holy Spirit in prayer is vital. Regular communication and accountability / honest soul confession with others will also be required.
The reality is … this world will not get ‘better’ until the King of Kings shows up. Which means we must learn to deal with increasing hardships and difficulties and lean into our relationship with the Holy Spirit even more … daily… and even moment by moment.
Stop. Breathe. Pray … asking for His instructions. Listen. Obey.

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