Bride Issues.

Please read the parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.

There are people who KNOW they are a bride. They know they have a lamp. And they have some oil. But the question is … do they have enough oil? Do you have enough oil? How does one obtain more oil? Are you relying on someone else’s oil to save you when you might need more oil or if you run out?

Usually within the scriptures what does oil represent / symbolize?

If you thought or said the Holy Spirit .. ding, ding, ding, you are correct, at least that’s my take on it.

Is that what Jesus meant in this parable? If you read all the commentaries on this parable you really won’t find a cohesive answer. This is one of those teachings — that you need the Holy Spirit to interpret for you personally. What should it mean to you personally? That’s the right question to ask the Holy Spirit in this case.

I also think that people are so concerned about themselves they forget to listen to the GROOM! I’m so wrapped up in the details of the event or the trappings of whether I look the part, or walk right, or all sorts of other me-isms. Where should our focus be? Maybe… listening?? Maybe listening to what the Groom says He wants us to do?

How does one obtain a greater relationship with the Holy Spirit? How does one obtain a better relationship with ANYONE ..for that matter?

How do you know you’ll be ready when the Groom arrives and opens the door to the wedding?

Probably if you’ve been conversing with Him the entire time. And been following His instructions. And doing the things He asked you to do.

Then there are always those “brides” who are running around saying, “So and so says that the Groom is coming, we’ve got to get ready!” But these brides never converse with the groom, and they really never did.

Are you conversing with the Groom? Regularly? Wait … I don’t mean just your demands on Him of what you want Him to do for you, or how lavish you want the wedding to be, or what you want served, or how you want everyone to look. Prayers like that are ‘one way’ only …your way. These kind of people never stop to listen to the Groom. They’re usually too busy getting ready for THEIR wedding. Notice the focus? ME ME ME.

In this parable where should the brides focus be? ON the groom. If you focus on ANYTHING else you’ll miss Him.

How do I know if I have enough oil to make it till He comes and opens the door?

Are you being led by the Holy Spirit daily? Do you converse with Him on a regular basis where you talk together?  Is He teaching you, guiding you, and directing you? If you want to know what the Groom likes ask the Holy Spirit. If you need to know HOW to be ready… ask the Holy Spirit. 

Or are you just going to continue to listen to others … first?  Get instructions of what to do from someone else?

My suggestion? Go straight to the Source … yourself. Learn from Him.

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