What do you mean?

12 Who is the man who fears the Lord?
    Him will He instruct in the way that he should choose.

13 His soul shall abide in well-being,
    and his offspring shall inherit the land.

14 The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him,
    and He makes known to them His covenant. Psalms 25:12-14

Verse 14 is widely translated differently. It is interesting to observe in different translations / Bibles. The differences come in the phrase “friendship of the Lord”. Some say ‘secret’, some say ‘loyal followers’, some say ‘counsel’, some say ‘intimate counsel’, some say ‘secret counsel’.

Language is always changing; all you have to do is observe the changes in ‘slang’ from generation to generation. Words are often changed to mean the opposite thing in culture. (ex. bad = good) How then would we know the heart of God, and how do we actually communicate His heart to others? Even communication between a husband and wife can be extremely difficult. How then do we communicate what the Spirit of God is saying to us? How would we communicate what the heart of God wants to say to someone else?

Who actually is the Master Communicator? The Holy Spirit. If we aren’t listening to Him very closely and asking for understanding from Him – then our communication is muddled and confused at best when it comes to spiritual things. Have you learned how to listen to Him while having a conversation with someone else? Have you learned to ask Him what is going on in the spiritual realm around you? Have you asked the Holy Spirit what someone else is really trying to say? Humility is the best attitude to have with a real desire to understand, rather than thinking we “know”. Our communication coming from a place of certainty or pride is often received with question.

How difficult is communication? The older I get the more I understand how difficult it is. Who is the master deceiver with communication? Who uses communication to twist and confuse? Who uses communication for evil? From the Garden of Eden till today the deceiver has used communication to plant doubt and confusion. Now-a-days the word ‘misinformation’ is thrown around a lot to basically mean ‘anyone who does not agree with my perspective and understanding’. Then basically this means anyone who does not agree with “me” is spreading misinformation when they speak. This type of strategy is used widely by the enemies of God, to confuse, malign, and convict anyone who does not ‘fall in line’ with what they want. The word ‘misinformation’ is usually used now in a stance of ‘pride’ and arrogance, rather than in humility and a desire for others to understand.

Are you using words as weapons? Or are you using words to encourage and lift up others? Are using His words or just your own? How many of your words hurt rather than heal?

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with your words today.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Proverbs 25:11

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