But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” And after Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders about this question. Acts 15:1-2
The apostles were no different than us. We are all ‘works’ in progress and a bit slow to catch on. Yes, we can be Spirit-filled and preach and teach Jesus and still be held back by our traditions, and old religious ways. Our old habits and religious teaching can still get in our way of our relationship with Him, the same as it did them way back at the beginning of the ekklesia. This debate was quite divisive in the council of elders of The Way in Jerusalem. Should they follow their centuries old religious ways (law) or what the Holy Spirit was teaching them (grace) that EVERYONE is welcome in God’s family?
Hoo-boy give us a few spiritual gifts and most of us think we really have arrived in spiritual maturity. But there is always SO much more to learn and grow in the knowledge and revelation of God. We can really be offended as the Holy Spirit colors outside the lines than we’re use to or think is appropriate. So many things the Holy Spirit does is unexpected, uncomfortable, unpredictable, and even sometimes kinda scary to us, yet when we see Him move it is obvious God is involved. The Holy Spirit can throw the entire Church into crisis – at least the way we see it.
Those first members of The Way had to choose between Jesus and Judaism. And we have to choose between Christ and Churchianity. What? Yes. We are just like those early believers in that we get VERY stuck in our traditions, meetings, schedules, services, programs, and mindsets rather than be able to listen to that still small confirming Voice of the Holy Spirit who is asking us to do something we don’t think is Him because of our ‘set’ Churchianity habitual ways. Do we follow our tradition or do we follow Him? Can’t we do both? That was the debate they were having in the chapter of the scripture first listed here. And what was their consensus of what they should do? (You might want to read chapter 15 of Acts again.)
Do you know the Holy Spirit well enough to know His Voice immediately when He speaks to you? Are you following His promptings quickly and listening to His advice and instructions daily? Are you quick to trust Him? Or are you still wanting someone else’s approval before following the Holy Spirit’s instructions to you?
How much of your Churchianity, traditions, old learning, and habits is hindering what the Holy Spirit is wanting to deal with you and do through you? Have you ever asked Him? Has the Holy Spirit ever brought up this issue with you before? Are you too comfortable in your religious ways? Are you open to new things the Holy Spirit wants to lead you in?
Is your Church stuck in the ‘way’ they do church service? Is the Holy Spirit calling the ‘shots’ or is He just relegated to be a ‘supporting’ member of the Church service? Are your Church services on a ‘timer’ and calculated down to the minute and second? How is the Holy Spirit invited into your meetings together?
1 thought on “Old Habits vs New Ways”
We all fall into this easily. It’s hard to take off the old skin and wear the new one. The old one is so comfortable we could do life with our eyes closed.
But God calls us to trust Him, follow Him and that we cannot do with our eyes closed. I pray always that He helps me tear off the old skin that clings to me so I can grow new in Him. ♥️🙏🏽